What's wrong with my attempt to test Brillouin's Theorem?

Dear Sirs,
I am trying to test the validity of Brillouin’s theorem by computing the coupling of the ground configuration <a,b| with the singly excited configuration, |r,b>, of LiH, i.e., <a,b|H|b,r> = [a|T + V|r] + Sum_b {[ar|bb] - [ab|br]. I first run a Hartree-Fock calculation on LiH [(1\sigma)^2 (2\sigma)^2) at the STO-3G basis set, and got the core Hamiltonian (T + V) and the matrix of the molecular-orbital coefficients, C. For testing purposes, I truncated C to the third column, containing the two occupied molecular orbitals and the lowest-lying virtual. I have first transformed the core Hamiltonian from the AO basis to the MO basis using the truncated C matrix, thus getting a 3x3 core Hamiltonian matrix. The matrix looks like the following:

[[-4.75302645 -0.11033346 -0.16833039]
[-0.11033346 -1.53858794 0.03604979]
[-0.16833039 0.03604979 -1.13369892]]

Then I have computed the two-electron integrals coupling the ground configuration with the 2\sigma → 3\sigma excitation:
<2\sigma b|| 3\sigma b> = \Sum_b [2\sigma 3\sigma|bb] - [2\sigma b|b 3\sigma], with b standing for the two paired electrons in 1\sigma and the uncoupled electron in 2\sigma. The one-electron integral analogue for the coupling of the ground configuration with the single excitation should be the [2,3] element of the core Hamiltonian matrix (0.03604979). However, upon computing the two-electron integrals using mints.mo_eri(2\sigma, 3\sigma,b,b) - mints.mo_eri(2\sigma,b,b, 3\sigma), I get a number which is negative but one order of magnitude smaller in modulus compared to the core Hamiltonian element, thus making <a,b|H|r,b> non-zero.
I cannot understand where the mistake is, as the coupling of the ground configuration with itself, \Sum_a [a|T+V|a] + 2J - K, yields the expected result. Is there perhaps some missing coefficient multiplying the J and K part of the two-electron integrals that arise when using a spatial-MO basis? I looked into several textbooks, but I could not find anything on that, except for the case of the Slater-Condon rule, case I, applied to a closed shell.
I am really stuck on that, so your suggestions and/or help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your patience and understanding!
Best regards,
Giorgio Visentin

  1. Just so you know, you haven’t supplied enough information to reproduce your computation. You need a bond length for that.
  2. The most likely issue is that you did not spin-integrate correctly. I work in spin-orbital formalisms as a matter of habit. In that formalism, there are a total of 3 b. Two exchange terms vanish for a total of four integrals. Spin-integration makes two of them identical.

Thanks a lot for your reply! These are the charge, spin multiplicity and Z matrix of LiH:
0 1
Li -0.665300 -0.293129 -0.148122
H 0.665300 0.293129 0.148122

Moreover, I have just followed your advice. In the spin-orbital formalism, b should correspond to 1/sigma(down), 1\sigma(up) and 2/sigma(up) if the two configurations abovementioned differ for the 2\sigma(down) and 3/sigma(down) spin-MOs, where “down” and “up” refer to the spin orientation. For the sake of simplicity, I will hereinafter label the spin-MOs n\sigma(spin) as simply n(spin).
Spin integration should lead me to the following expression:
J = [2(down) 3(down) | 1(down) 1(down)] + [2(down) 3(down) | 1(up) 1(up)] + [2(down) 3(down) | 2(up) 2(up)];
K = [2(down) 1(down)| 1(down) 3(down)],
while [2(down) 1(up)| 1(up) 3(down)], [2(down) 2(up)| 2(up) 3(down)] vanish due to the zero-exchange among electrons with different spins.
Following your suggestions, J - K thus computed yields -0.03604938, which is, indeed, the inverse of the [2,3] element of the core Hamiltonian matrix.
Thanks for your patience and kindness.
Kind regards,
Giorgio Visentin

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