Units for Nx3 grid in ESP calculation

Hi there!

I am basing myself on the following example to calculate the ESP over a grid of Nx3 points.

My question is: what are the units of the values provided in the grid points? The code is not clear if those grid points are spaced out in Angstrom or Bohr-radius.

# Number of points to evaluate the ESP on per dimension (reference values below were generated with 5)
numpoints_per_dim = 5
points = np.array([ [float(x),float(y),float(z) ] for x in range(0,numpoints_per_dim) for y in range(0,numpoints_per_dim) for z in range(0,numpoints_per_dim) ])
psi4_matrix = p4c.Matrix.from_array(points)

Full example here:

Any help is very much appreciated!

Grid points need to be given in input units.

For the example you posted, that means angstroms.

Excellent! Thank you so much @jmisiewicz !

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