Simple CCSD calculation fails for a large molecule

Dear developers,

I am facing the following error at the end of the transformation step:

! !
! Fatal Error: PSIO_ERROR: 21 (File not opened) !
! You need to open file 102 before you attempt this operation, !
! If you’re a user, contact developers immediately. This is a bug. !
! If you’re a developer, get yourself some coffee. !
! Error occurred in file: /home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/psi4_17074359 !
! 38068/work/psi4/src/psi4/libpsio/ on line: 135 !
! The most recent 5 function calls were: !
! psi::PsiException::PsiException(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, !
! std::char_traits, std::allocator >, char const*, int) !
! psi::PSIO::wt_toclen(unsigned long, unsigned long) !
! psi::PSIO::write(unsigned long, char const*, char*, unsigned long, !
! psi::psio_address, psi::psio_address*) !
! !

the input file is:
#! r2b in vacuum
memory 128 gb
molecule r2b {
0 1
N 0.0253873558 -1.6119352756 -0.8078689749
some other 30 lines
H -0.2512351145 2.7229655250 4.0785293109
basis aug-cc-pvdz
reference rhf
guess sad
df_scf_guess false
e_convergence 6
r_convergence 3
freeze_core true
cc_energy, wfn = properties(‘ccsd’, properties=[‘dipole’], return_wfn=True)

The molecule has C1 symmetry, the number of basis functions: 618

The analogous test for water has passed :slight_smile:

I would greatly appreciate any hint.
Kind regards,

Looks like a job for the @crawdad group.

My guess is that with a system that large, the CC integral transform code switches to an algorithm that hasn’t been properly tested, and the CC code thinks a file is opened that is not.

Not enough information about the location of the error to debug this remotely. Jacek, if you want to contact me directly, feel free. We’ve run calculations this size before, so I doubt it’s in “an algorithm that hasn’t properly been tested”.