Segfault projecting wfn onto new basis

I often have to use sto-3g to converge the scf for metal-containing systems, and then project the wfn onto a larger basis. But this one segfaults in computing the projection.

molecule {
 0 5
    FE           0.000000000000     0.000000000000     0.123274779640
    F            1.565379000000     0.000000000000    -0.647320000000
    F           -0.000000000000    -1.700830000000     0.639825000000
    F            0.000000000000     1.700830000000     0.639825000000
    F           -1.565379000000    -0.000000000000    -0.647320000000

set {
basis sto-3g
guess sad
scf_type direct
reference uhf


basis {
assign 6-31++G**
assign Fe 6-31G**

set guess read

I am using the 1.1 release, Git: Rev {HEAD} add49b9, on Linux x86_64.

Adding a clean() after the first energy('hf') works for me in dev head.