Dear colleagues, I’m trying the excellent SAPT procedures in Psi4 to evaluate interactions between a ligand and a transition metal complex. As a toy system, I’m using nickelocene:
memory 2 GB
molecule {
-1 1
C 0.00000 0.00000 2.14426
C 1.30823 0.00000 1.71870
C 1.54069 1.13775 1.04373
H 2.02869 -0.78448 1.89806
C 0.41917 1.88417 0.99981
C -0.60852 1.20803 1.68500
H -0.48098 -0.77477 2.72230
H 0.32449 2.84521 0.51681
H -1.62923 1.53050 1.83013
H 2.48626 1.41305 0.60172
1 3
Ni 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
C 0.00000 0.00000 -2.14426
C -1.30823 0.00000 -1.71870
C -1.54069 -1.13775 -1.04373
C -0.41917 -1.88417 -0.99981
C 0.60852 -1.20803 -1.68500
H 0.48098 0.77477 -2.72230
H -2.02869 0.78448 -1.89806
H -2.48626 -1.41305 -0.60172
H -0.32449 -2.84521 -0.51681
H 1.62923 -1.53050 -1.83013
symmetry c1
set {
reference uhf
basis cc-pVDZ
maxiter 2000
The SCF part is converging nicely, but at the CPKS Iterations the calculation dies:
==> CPKS Iterations <==
Maxiter = 2000
Convergence = 1.000E-09
Iter Monomer A Monomer B Time [s]
1 1.454E-01 4.016E-01 6
2 5.764E-02 1.471E-01 12
3 9.373E-03 5.043E-02 18
4 4.788E-03 2.959E-02 23
5 1.404E-03 1.228E-02 29
6 2.083E-04 6.786E-03 35
7 1.131E-04 3.878E-03 41
8 2.803E-05 3.730E-03 46
9 1.097E-05 4.778E-03 52
10 2.086E-06 4.808E-03 58
11 1.188E-06 5.031E-03 63
12 3.698E-07 5.783E-03 68
13 7.100E-08 5.159E-03 73
14 5.979E-08 1.679E-02 78
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/henrique/bin/anaconda3/envs/psi4/bin/psi4", line 287, in <module>
File "<string>", line 52, in <module>
File "/home/henrique/bin/anaconda3/envs/psi4/lib//python3.7/site-packages/psi4/driver/", line 556, in energy
wfn = procedures['energy'][lowername](lowername, molecule=molecule, **kwargs)
File "/home/henrique/bin/anaconda3/envs/psi4/lib//python3.7/site-packages/psi4/driver/procrouting/", line 3404, in run_sapt
e_sapt = core.sapt(dimer_wfn, monomerA_wfn, monomerB_wfn)
Fatal Error: Monomer B: A Matrix is not SPD
Error occurred in file: /scratch/psilocaluser/conda-builds/psi4-multiout_1557940846948/work/psi4/src/psi4/libsapt_solver/ on line: 1465
The most recent 5 function calls were:
Printing out the relevant lines from the Psithon --> Python processed input file:
core.set_global_option("REFERENCE", "uhf")
core.set_global_option("BASIS", "cc-pVDZ")
core.set_global_option("MAXITER", 2000)
--> energy('sapt0')
Psi4 stopped on: Wednesday, 05 August 2020 04:40PM
Psi4 wall time for execution: 0:06:19.30
*** Psi4 encountered an error. Buy a developer more coffee!
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I’m using Psi4 1.3.2 release from Anaconda.