Psi4/numpy + pcm stuck in Molecular Quadrature

I would like to run pcm calculations within the psi4/numpy framework. I have looked at the example provided in the python tests (psi4/ at master · psi4/psi4 · GitHub), and can run a pcm calculation inside the psi4 framework, but cannot make the leap myself in psi4/numpy.

Here is the file I would like to run:

import psi4
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

NH3 = psi4.geometry("""
symmetry c1
N     -0.0000000001    -0.1040380466      0.0000000000
H     -0.9015844116     0.4818470201     -1.5615900098
H     -0.9015844116     0.4818470201      1.5615900098
H      1.8031688251     0.4818470204      0.0000000000
units bohr

  'basis': 'STO-3G',
  'scf_type': 'pk',
  'pcm': True,
  'pcm_scf_type': 'total',

pcm_string = """
   Units = Angstrom
   Medium {
   SolverType = IEFPCM
   Solvent = Water
   Cavity {
   RadiiSet = UFF
   Type = GePol
   Scaling = False
   Area = 0.3
   Mode = Implicit
"""'blyp/3-21G', return_wfn=True)

which gets stuck at:

   => Molecular Quadrature <=

    Radial Scheme          =       TREUTLER
    Pruning Scheme         =           NONE
    Nuclear Scheme         =       TREUTLER

    BS radius alpha        =              1
    Pruning alpha          =              1
    Radial Points          =             75
    Spherical Points       =            302
    Total Points           =          87384
    Total Blocks           =            704
    Max Points             =            255
    Max Functions          =             15
    Weights Tolerance      =       1.00E-15

I have an equivalent inputfile for the regular psi4 framework that successfully completes, so what am I doing wrong in python?

Any help would be appreciated.


you forgot to include
from the example. It is needed to set the PCM parameters.
The program stopped trying to get PCM inputs (this should be handled better)

That’s exactly what the problem was. Thank you!

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