Psi4 job stops automatically

Hi there, I have been trying to run Psi4 for the following input file. For other systems, the job succeeded, not for this.

memory 12 gb
molecule {
C    0.000000000  -0.063744210   2.420540900
C    0.000000000   0.781335720  -1.135439120
H    0.000000000   1.021693960   2.342380380
H    0.888283070  -0.461319110   1.933071940
H   -0.888283070  -0.461319110   1.933071940
H    0.000000000  -0.353636060   3.469451950
H    0.000000000   1.374653490  -2.051144420
H   -0.880430020   1.063105540  -0.555809180

units angstrom

set {
basis def2-qzvppd
set {
scf_type direct
DFCC False
Freeze_core True
reference rhf
scf_en, scf_wfn = energy('scf', return_wfn=True)
fchk(scf_wfn, 'ethane_scf.fchk')
ccsd_en, ccsd_wfn = properties('ccsd',properties=['polarizability'], return_wfn=True, ref_wfn=scf_wfn)
fchk(ccsd_wfn, 'ethane_ccsd.fchk')

I have installed Psi4 from miniconda. The first few lines of the output are,

          Psi4: An Open-Source Ab Initio Electronic Structure Package
                               Psi4 1.5 release

                         Git: Rev {HEAD} e9f4d6d 

In my guess, the SCF calculation is performed properly, but not the CCSD. The last few lines are,

*** tstop() called on mslab-HP-ProDesk-400-G7-Microtower-PC at Thu Dec 30 14:16:08 2021
Module time:
	user time   =      74.39 seconds =       1.24 minutes
	system time =       0.32 seconds =       0.01 minutes
	total time  =         10 seconds =       0.17 minutes
Total time:
	user time   =      74.39 seconds =       1.24 minutes
	system time =       0.32 seconds =       0.01 minutes
	total time  =         10 seconds =       0.17 minutes
FCHKWriter: !WARNING! method 'HF'' renamed to label 'HF'.
FCHKWriter: Writing ethane_scf.fchk with label ' SCF Density'.
 MINTS: Wrapper to libmints.
   by Justin Turney

   Calculation information:
      Number of threads:                 8
      Number of atoms:                   8
      Number of AO shells:             104
      Number of SO shells:             104
      Number of primitives:            146
      Number of atomic orbitals:       386
      Number of basis functions:       324

      Number of irreps:                  1
      Integral cutoff                 1.00e-12
      Number of functions per irrep: [ 324 ]

 OEINTS: Overlap, kinetic, potential, dipole, and quadrupole integrals
         stored in file 35.

      Computing two-electron integrals...done
      Computed 839886410 non-zero two-electron integrals.
        Stored in file 33.

*** tstart() called on mslab-HP-ProDesk-400-G7-Microtower-PC
*** at Thu Dec 30 14:17:01 2021

	Wfn Parameters:
	Wavefunction         = CCSD
	Number of irreps     = 1
	Number of MOs        = 324
	Number of active MOs = 322
	AO-Basis             = NONE
	Semicanonical        = false
	Reference            = RHF
	Print Level          = 1

	-----	-----	------	------	------	------	------
	 A	   324	    2	    7	    0	    315	    0
	Transforming integrals...
	IWL integrals will be deleted.
	Presorting SO-basis two-electron integrals.
	Sorting File: SO Ints (nn|nn) nbuckets = 2

I was monitoring the output by tail -f, at the last line, it stopped for wuite sometime. Upon pressing ctrl-c, I get this,

[1]+  Killed                  psi4

But I didn’t killed any job.
Any help is appreciated.

My best guess is insufficient memory.

Well @jmisiewicz , you are expert on that. I was thinking that there might be some other issue, so I ran the same in other system (laptop). The job was performed well. The versions of psi4 differs. Please have a look if there are other bugs etc, since amount of memory is same. Let me share my output.

          Psi4: An Open-Source Ab Initio Electronic Structure Package
                               Psi4 1.4 release

                         Git: Rev {master} 9485035 

    D. G. A. Smith, L. A. Burns, A. C. Simmonett, R. M. Parrish,
    M. C. Schieber, R. Galvelis, P. Kraus, H. Kruse, R. Di Remigio,
    A. Alenaizan, A. M. James, S. Lehtola, J. P. Misiewicz, M. Scheurer,
    R. A. Shaw, J. B. Schriber, Y. Xie, Z. L. Glick, D. A. Sirianni,
    J. S. O'Brien, J. M. Waldrop, A. Kumar, E. G. Hohenstein,
    B. P. Pritchard, B. R. Brooks, H. F. Schaefer III, A. Yu. Sokolov,
    K. Patkowski, A. E. DePrince III, U. Bozkaya, R. A. King,
    F. A. Evangelista, J. M. Turney, T. D. Crawford, C. D. Sherrill,
    J. Chem. Phys. 152(18) 184108 (2020).

                            Additional Code Authors
    E. T. Seidl, C. L. Janssen, E. F. Valeev, M. L. Leininger,
    J. F. Gonthier, R. M. Richard, H. R. McAlexander, M. Saitow, X. Wang,
    P. Verma, and M. H. Lechner

             Previous Authors, Complete List of Code Contributors,
                       and Citations for Specific Modules


    Psi4 started on: Thursday, 30 December 2021 06:10PM

    Process ID: 10599
    Host:       pro
    PSIDATADIR: /home/prasanta/miniconda3/share/psi4
    Memory:     500.0 MiB
    Threads:    1
  ==> Input File <==

memory 12 gb
molecule {
C    0.000000000  -0.063744210   2.420540900
C    0.000000000   0.781335720  -1.135439120
H    0.000000000   1.021693960   2.342380380
H    0.888283070  -0.461319110   1.933071940
H   -0.888283070  -0.461319110   1.933071940
H    0.000000000  -0.353636060   3.469451950
H    0.000000000   1.374653490  -2.051144420
H   -0.880430020   1.063105540  -0.555809180

symmetry c1
units angstrom

set {
basis def2-qzvppd
set {
scf_type direct
DFCC False
Freeze_core True
reference rhf
scf_en, scf_wfn = energy('scf', return_wfn=True)
fchk(scf_wfn, 'ethane_scf.fchk')
ccsd_en, ccsd_wfn = properties('ccsd',properties=['polarizability'], return_wfn=True, ref_wfn=scf_wfn)
fchk(ccsd_wfn, 'ethane_ccsd.fchk')

The output file ends with

   Evaluated at omega = 0.000000 E_h (Inf nm, 0.000 eV,     0.00 cm-1)

                   0                     1                     2        

    0     31.338930497763698    -1.603304236895911    -0.220484334289608
    1     -1.603304236895911    31.148129208853469    -1.888206819874539
    2     -0.220484334289608    -1.888206819874539    34.268243465987617

	alpha_(0.000) =      32.251767724202 a.u.
FCHKWriter: !WARNING! method 'CCSD'' renamed to label 'CC'.
FCHKWriter: Writing ethane_ccsd.fchk with label ' CC Density'.

    Psi4 stopped on: Thursday, 30 December 2021 10:45PM
    Psi4 wall time for execution: 4:34:32.89

*** Psi4 exiting successfully. Buy a developer a beer!

The versions of psi4 differs. Please have a look if there are other bugs etc, since amount of memory is same.

I need to know what kinds of computers you ran these on, and full output files.

okay, uploading data…

  1. Computer1 - Mint 20.1, kernel version- 5.4.0-91-generic, Core i7-10700 CPU @ 2.90GHz x 8, Memory- 15.4 GiB, HDD- 512.3 GB: File-
    test_ethane.txt (18.3 KB)
    Not Working here

  2. Computer2 - Ubuntu 18.04.3, Ryzen 5 Pro 4650u x 12, Memory 14.9 GiB, HDD- 512.3 GiB: File- ethane.txt (34.3 KB)

Working here