Maximum memory required for a job

I am trying to tabulate the memory requirement with the number of basis functions for energy(or gradient) calculations at ccsd(t) method. I have observed that the user-supplied and required memory is sometimes printed at the end of the output file, which is in words (not in bytes).
I am trying to obtain the memory required and the number of basis functions for multiple water clusters. I am providing the input file.

memory 2 GB
molecule dim{
0 1
O         -1.62893       -0.04138        0.37137
H         -0.69803       -0.09168        0.09337
H         -2.06663       -0.73498       -0.13663
O          1.21457        0.03172       -0.27623
H          1.44927        0.91672       -0.58573
H          1.72977       -0.08038        0.53387

set {
   basis cc-pVDZ
   scf_type df
   freeze_core false
   reference rhf

# Leave a blank line to separate calculations
memory 2 GB
molecule tri{
0 1
O         -1.13187       -1.11979       -0.35833
H         -1.76867       -1.58319        0.19837
H         -1.23847       -0.17309       -0.13963
O          1.56013       -0.35109       -0.32593
H          0.77843       -0.93769       -0.31313
H          2.23183       -0.81009        0.19197
O         -0.44827        1.56921        0.01767
H         -0.42977        2.22941        0.72047
H          0.44663        1.17631        0.00857

set {
   basis cc-pVDZ
   scf_type df
   freeze_core false
   reference rhf

As an example, I have provided scf rather than ccsd(t) and a gradient calculation.

Hi Prasanta, what is your question?

Use different basis sets and have a look on memory requirements in the output file…

@OliP I am sorry for the misunderstanding. I want to calculate the maximum memory required for CCSD(t) gradient calculation for several molecules. So, I can plot the numbers of basis functions, types of jobs (gradient), and memory required for that particular job.
To do this, I have used a composite input file that contains all the input geometries and the methods.
I have previously seen that if I use separate jobs for each molecule, at the end of the output, there is a section for ‘memory required’ in words and ‘memory supplied’.
However, in the output, I do not find the memory requirement. I am sharing the input and output both for your kind perusal.

memory 2 GB
molecule dim{
0 1
O         -1.62893       -0.04138        0.37137
H         -0.69803       -0.09168        0.09337
H         -2.06663       -0.73498       -0.13663
O          1.21457        0.03172       -0.27623
H          1.44927        0.91672       -0.58573
H          1.72977       -0.08038        0.53387

set {
   basis cc-pVDZ
   scf_type df
   freeze_core false
   reference rhf

# Leave a blank line to separate calculations
memory 2 GB
molecule tri{
0 1
O         -1.13187       -1.11979       -0.35833
H         -1.76867       -1.58319        0.19837
H         -1.23847       -0.17309       -0.13963
O          1.56013       -0.35109       -0.32593
H          0.77843       -0.93769       -0.31313
H          2.23183       -0.81009        0.19197
O         -0.44827        1.56921        0.01767
H         -0.42977        2.22941        0.72047
H          0.44663        1.17631        0.00857

set {
   basis cc-pVDZ
   scf_type df
   freeze_core false
   reference rhf

And the output,

          Psi4: An Open-Source Ab Initio Electronic Structure Package
                               Psi4 1.8 release

                         Git: Rev {} zzzzzzz 

    D. G. A. Smith, L. A. Burns, A. C. Simmonett, R. M. Parrish,
    M. C. Schieber, R. Galvelis, P. Kraus, H. Kruse, R. Di Remigio,
    A. Alenaizan, A. M. James, S. Lehtola, J. P. Misiewicz, M. Scheurer,
    R. A. Shaw, J. B. Schriber, Y. Xie, Z. L. Glick, D. A. Sirianni,
    J. S. O'Brien, J. M. Waldrop, A. Kumar, E. G. Hohenstein,
    B. P. Pritchard, B. R. Brooks, H. F. Schaefer III, A. Yu. Sokolov,
    K. Patkowski, A. E. DePrince III, U. Bozkaya, R. A. King,
    F. A. Evangelista, J. M. Turney, T. D. Crawford, C. D. Sherrill,
    J. Chem. Phys. 152(18) 184108 (2020).

                            Additional Code Authors
    E. T. Seidl, C. L. Janssen, E. F. Valeev, M. L. Leininger,
    J. F. Gonthier, R. M. Richard, H. R. McAlexander, M. Saitow, X. Wang,
    P. Verma, M. H. Lechner, A. Jiang, S. Behnle, A. G. Heide,
    M. F. Herbst, and D. L. Poole

             Previous Authors, Complete List of Code Contributors,
                       and Citations for Specific Modules


    Psi4 started on: Saturday, 07 October 2023 05:05PM

    Process ID: 16151
    Host:       prasanta
    PSIDATADIR: /home/pro/psi4conda/share/psi4
    Memory:     500.0 MiB
    Threads:    1
  ==> Input File <==

memory 2 GB
molecule dim{
0 1
O         -1.62893       -0.04138        0.37137
H         -0.69803       -0.09168        0.09337
H         -2.06663       -0.73498       -0.13663
O          1.21457        0.03172       -0.27623
H          1.44927        0.91672       -0.58573
H          1.72977       -0.08038        0.53387

set {
   basis cc-pVDZ
   scf_type df
   freeze_core false
   reference rhf

# Leave a blank line to separate calculations
memory 2 GB
molecule tri{
0 1
O         -1.13187       -1.11979       -0.35833
H         -1.76867       -1.58319        0.19837
H         -1.23847       -0.17309       -0.13963
O          1.56013       -0.35109       -0.32593
H          0.77843       -0.93769       -0.31313
H          2.23183       -0.81009        0.19197
O         -0.44827        1.56921        0.01767
H         -0.42977        2.22941        0.72047
H          0.44663        1.17631        0.00857

set {
   basis cc-pVDZ
   scf_type df
   freeze_core false
   reference rhf

  Memory set to   1.863 GiB by Python driver.

Scratch directory: /tmp/
gradient() will perform analytic gradient computation.
   => Libint2 <=

    Primary   basis highest AM E, G, H:  5, 4, 3
    Auxiliary basis highest AM E, G, H:  6, 5, 4
    Onebody   basis highest AM E, G, H:  6, 5, 4
    Solid Harmonics ordering:            gaussian

*** tstart() called on prasanta
*** at Sat Oct  7 17:05:23 2023

   => Loading Basis Set <=

    Name: CC-PVDZ
    Role: ORBITAL
    Keyword: BASIS
    atoms 1, 4     entry O          line   198 file /home/pro/psi4conda/share/psi4/basis/cc-pvdz.gbs 
    atoms 2-3, 5-6 entry H          line    22 file /home/pro/psi4conda/share/psi4/basis/cc-pvdz.gbs 

               by Justin Turney, Rob Parrish, Andy Simmonett
                          and Daniel G. A. Smith
                              RHF Reference
                        1 Threads,   1907 MiB Core

  ==> Geometry <==

    Molecular point group: c1
    Full point group: C1

    Geometry (in Angstrom), charge = 0, multiplicity = 1:

       Center              X                  Y                   Z               Mass       
    ------------   -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------
         O           -1.456530344746    -0.037361382831     0.331785126209    15.994914619570
         H           -0.525630344746    -0.087661382831     0.053785126209     1.007825032230
         H           -1.894230344746    -0.730961382831    -0.176214873791     1.007825032230
         O            1.386969655254     0.035738617169    -0.315814873791    15.994914619570
         H            1.621669655254     0.920738617169    -0.625314873791     1.007825032230
         H            1.902169655254    -0.076361382831     0.494285126209     1.007825032230

  Running in c1 symmetry.

  Rotational constants: A =      7.15328  B =      0.21288  C =      0.21285 [cm^-1]
  Rotational constants: A = 214449.91373  B =   6381.92100  C =   6380.95139 [MHz]
  Nuclear repulsion =   36.443622170576475

  Charge       = 0
  Multiplicity = 1
  Electrons    = 20
  Nalpha       = 10
  Nbeta        = 10

  ==> Algorithm <==

  SCF Algorithm Type is DF.
  DIIS enabled.
  MOM disabled.
  Fractional occupation disabled.
  Guess Type is SAD.
  Energy threshold   = 1.00e-08
  Density threshold  = 1.00e-08
  Integral threshold = 1.00e-12

  ==> Primary Basis <==

  Basis Set: CC-PVDZ
    Blend: CC-PVDZ
    Number of shells: 24
    Number of basis functions: 48
    Number of Cartesian functions: 50
    Spherical Harmonics?: true
    Max angular momentum: 2

   => Loading Basis Set <=

    Name: (CC-PVDZ AUX)
    Role: JKFIT
    Keyword: DF_BASIS_SCF
    atoms 1, 4     entry O          line   221 file /home/pro/psi4conda/share/psi4/basis/cc-pvdz-jkfit.gbs 
    atoms 2-3, 5-6 entry H          line    51 file /home/pro/psi4conda/share/psi4/basis/cc-pvdz-jkfit.gbs 

  ==> Integral Setup <==

  DFHelper Memory: AOs need 0.005 GiB; user supplied 1.397 GiB. 
  Using in-core AOs.

  ==> MemDFJK: Density-Fitted J/K Matrices <==

    J tasked:                   Yes
    K tasked:                   Yes
    wK tasked:                   No
    OpenMP threads:               1
    Memory [MiB]:              1430
    Algorithm:                 Core
    Schwarz Cutoff:           1E-12
    Mask sparsity (%):       0.0000
    Fitting Condition:        1E-10

   => Auxiliary Basis Set <=

  Basis Set: (CC-PVDZ AUX)
    Blend: CC-PVDZ-JKFIT
    Number of shells: 84
    Number of basis functions: 232
    Number of Cartesian functions: 262
    Spherical Harmonics?: true
    Max angular momentum: 3

  Minimum eigenvalue in the overlap matrix is 3.1109809712E-02.
  Reciprocal condition number of the overlap matrix is 7.9099764053E-03.
    Using symmetric orthogonalization.

  ==> Pre-Iterations <==

  SCF Guess: Superposition of Atomic Densities via on-the-fly atomic UHF (no occupation information).

    Irrep   Nso     Nmo    
     A         48      48 
    Total      48      48

  ==> Iterations <==

                           Total Energy        Delta E     RMS |[F,P]|

   @DF-RHF iter SAD:  -151.05321956958690   -1.51053e+02   0.00000e+00 
   @DF-RHF iter   1:  -151.92772038936988   -8.74501e-01   1.17779e-02 DIIS/ADIIS
   @DF-RHF iter   2:  -152.02650516968882   -9.87848e-02   6.63195e-03 DIIS/ADIIS
   @DF-RHF iter   3:  -152.06054752433960   -3.40424e-02   6.99228e-04 DIIS/ADIIS
   @DF-RHF iter   4:  -152.06141207803066   -8.64554e-04   1.47656e-04 DIIS/ADIIS
   @DF-RHF iter   5:  -152.06145305799183   -4.09800e-05   3.75082e-05 DIIS
   @DF-RHF iter   6:  -152.06145576822325   -2.71023e-06   1.58852e-05 DIIS
   @DF-RHF iter   7:  -152.06145611201904   -3.43796e-07   2.56596e-06 DIIS
   @DF-RHF iter   8:  -152.06145612873294   -1.67139e-08   3.74423e-07 DIIS
   @DF-RHF iter   9:  -152.06145612915290   -4.19959e-10   8.74243e-08 DIIS
   @DF-RHF iter  10:  -152.06145612917686   -2.39595e-11   1.81284e-08 DIIS
   @DF-RHF iter  11:  -152.06145612917769   -8.24230e-13   2.77915e-09 DIIS
  Energy and wave function converged.

  ==> Post-Iterations <==

    Orbital Energies [Eh]

    Doubly Occupied:                                                      

       1A    -20.585296     2A    -20.516766     3A     -1.365191  
       4A     -1.298889     5A     -0.724697     6A     -0.669831  
       7A     -0.599098     8A     -0.540793     9A     -0.514249  
      10A     -0.461054  


      11A      0.162531    12A      0.230240    13A      0.239155  
      14A      0.378542    15A      0.753229    16A      0.803512  
      17A      0.839484    18A      0.860649    19A      1.128024  
      20A      1.201979    21A      1.205180    22A      1.239024  
      23A      1.266099    24A      1.318012    25A      1.449797  
      26A      1.452921    27A      1.494130    28A      1.518236  
      29A      1.691469    30A      1.705313    31A      1.809133  
      32A      1.918213    33A      1.966445    34A      2.044047  
      35A      2.403875    36A      2.434726    37A      2.483291  
      38A      2.698875    39A      3.247152    40A      3.289774  
      41A      3.314798    42A      3.362639    43A      3.477957  
      44A      3.534175    45A      3.833936    46A      3.896157  
      47A      4.117106    48A      4.182894  

    Final Occupation by Irrep:
    DOCC [    10 ]
    NA   [    10 ]
    NB   [    10 ]

  @DF-RHF Final Energy:  -152.06145612917769

   => Energetics <=

    Nuclear Repulsion Energy =             36.4436221705764751
    One-Electron Energy =                -282.4584302909397593
    Two-Electron Energy =                  93.9533519911855990
    Total Energy =                       -152.0614561291776852

Computation Completed

Properties will be evaluated at   0.000000,   0.000000,   0.000000 [a0]

Properties computed using the SCF density matrix

 Multipole Moments:

     Multipole            Electronic (a.u.)      Nuclear  (a.u.)        Total (a.u.)

 L = 1.  Multiply by 2.5417464519 to convert [e a0] to [Debye]
 Dipole X            :          0.0479831            1.0346120            1.0825951
 Dipole Y            :          0.0258796            0.0241362            0.0500158
 Dipole Z            :          0.0109410           -0.2375338           -0.2265928
 Magnitude           :                                                    1.1071847


*** tstop() called on prasanta at Sat Oct  7 17:05:24 2023
Module time:
	user time   =       0.37 seconds =       0.01 minutes
	system time =       0.03 seconds =       0.00 minutes
	total time  =          1 seconds =       0.02 minutes
Total time:
	user time   =       0.37 seconds =       0.01 minutes
	system time =       0.03 seconds =       0.00 minutes
	total time  =          1 seconds =       0.02 minutes

*** tstart() called on prasanta
*** at Sat Oct  7 17:05:24 2023

                                   SCF GRAD                          
                          Rob Parrish, Justin Turney,                
                       Andy Simmonett, and Alex Sokolov              

  ==> Geometry <==

    Molecular point group: c1
    Full point group: C1

    Geometry (in Angstrom), charge = 0, multiplicity = 1:

       Center              X                  Y                   Z               Mass       
    ------------   -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------
         O           -1.456530344746    -0.037361382831     0.331785126209    15.994914619570
         H           -0.525630344746    -0.087661382831     0.053785126209     1.007825032230
         H           -1.894230344746    -0.730961382831    -0.176214873791     1.007825032230
         O            1.386969655254     0.035738617169    -0.315814873791    15.994914619570
         H            1.621669655254     0.920738617169    -0.625314873791     1.007825032230
         H            1.902169655254    -0.076361382831     0.494285126209     1.007825032230

  Nuclear repulsion =   36.443622170576475

  ==> Basis Set <==

  Basis Set: CC-PVDZ
    Blend: CC-PVDZ
    Number of shells: 24
    Number of basis functions: 48
    Number of Cartesian functions: 50
    Spherical Harmonics?: true
    Max angular momentum: 2

  ==> DFJKGrad: Density-Fitted SCF Gradients <==

    Gradient:                    1
    J tasked:                  Yes
    K tasked:                  Yes
    wK tasked:                  No
    OpenMP threads:              1
    Integrals threads:           1
    Memory [MiB]:             1430
    Schwarz Cutoff:          1E-12
    Fitting Condition:       1E-10

   => Auxiliary Basis Set <=

  Basis Set: (CC-PVDZ AUX)
    Blend: CC-PVDZ-JKFIT
    Number of shells: 84
    Number of basis functions: 232
    Number of Cartesian functions: 262
    Spherical Harmonics?: true
    Max angular momentum: 3

  -Total Gradient:
     Atom            X                  Y                   Z
    ------   -----------------  -----------------  -----------------
       1       -0.011374392739     0.015975354956     0.017073077248
       2        0.022629109117    -0.001372933635    -0.006887405553
       3       -0.009750516440    -0.014756177925    -0.010697481390
       4       -0.017996551574    -0.016516144906    -0.010296081712
       5        0.005330229010     0.018629329574    -0.006184865209
       6        0.011162122625    -0.001959428064     0.016992756616

*** tstop() called on prasanta at Sat Oct  7 17:05:24 2023
Module time:
	user time   =       0.10 seconds =       0.00 minutes
	system time =       0.01 seconds =       0.00 minutes
	total time  =          0 seconds =       0.00 minutes
Total time:
	user time   =       0.47 seconds =       0.01 minutes
	system time =       0.04 seconds =       0.00 minutes
	total time  =          1 seconds =       0.02 minutes

  Memory set to   1.863 GiB by Python driver.

Scratch directory: /tmp/
gradient() will perform analytic gradient computation.
   => Libint2 <=

    Primary   basis highest AM E, G, H:  5, 4, 3
    Auxiliary basis highest AM E, G, H:  6, 5, 4
    Onebody   basis highest AM E, G, H:  6, 5, 4
    Solid Harmonics ordering:            gaussian

*** tstart() called on prasanta
*** at Sat Oct  7 17:05:24 2023

   => Loading Basis Set <=

    Name: CC-PVDZ
    Role: ORBITAL
    Keyword: BASIS
    atoms 1, 4, 7       entry O          line   198 file /home/pro/psi4conda/share/psi4/basis/cc-pvdz.gbs 
    atoms 2-3, 5-6, 8-9 entry H          line    22 file /home/pro/psi4conda/share/psi4/basis/cc-pvdz.gbs 

               by Justin Turney, Rob Parrish, Andy Simmonett
                          and Daniel G. A. Smith
                              RHF Reference
                        1 Threads,   1907 MiB Core

  ==> Geometry <==

    Molecular point group: c1
    Full point group: C1

    Geometry (in Angstrom), charge = 0, multiplicity = 1:

       Center              X                  Y                   Z               Mass       
    ------------   -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------
         O           -1.126319148733    -1.147064185397    -0.173434560600    15.994914619570
         H           -1.763119148733    -1.610464185397     0.383265439400     1.007825032230
         H           -1.232919148733    -0.200364185397     0.045265439400     1.007825032230
         O            1.565680851267    -0.378364185397    -0.141034560600    15.994914619570
         H            0.783980851267    -0.964964185397    -0.128234560600     1.007825032230
         H            2.237380851267    -0.837364185397     0.376865439400     1.007825032230
         O           -0.442719148733     1.541935814603     0.202565439400    15.994914619570
         H           -0.424219148733     2.202135814603     0.905365439400     1.007825032230
         H            0.452180851267     1.149035814603     0.193465439400     1.007825032230

  Running in c1 symmetry.

  Rotational constants: A =      0.22646  B =      0.22644  C =      0.11480 [cm^-1]
  Rotational constants: A =   6788.95659  B =   6788.43205  C =   3441.75666 [MHz]
  Nuclear repulsion =   84.028806607054648

  Charge       = 0
  Multiplicity = 1
  Electrons    = 30
  Nalpha       = 15
  Nbeta        = 15

  ==> Algorithm <==

  SCF Algorithm Type is DF.
  DIIS enabled.
  MOM disabled.
  Fractional occupation disabled.
  Guess Type is SAD.
  Energy threshold   = 1.00e-08
  Density threshold  = 1.00e-08
  Integral threshold = 1.00e-12

  ==> Primary Basis <==

  Basis Set: CC-PVDZ
    Blend: CC-PVDZ
    Number of shells: 36
    Number of basis functions: 72
    Number of Cartesian functions: 75
    Spherical Harmonics?: true
    Max angular momentum: 2

   => Loading Basis Set <=

    Name: (CC-PVDZ AUX)
    Role: JKFIT
    Keyword: DF_BASIS_SCF
    atoms 1, 4, 7       entry O          line   221 file /home/pro/psi4conda/share/psi4/basis/cc-pvdz-jkfit.gbs 
    atoms 2-3, 5-6, 8-9 entry H          line    51 file /home/pro/psi4conda/share/psi4/basis/cc-pvdz-jkfit.gbs 

  ==> Integral Setup <==

  DFHelper Memory: AOs need 0.015 GiB; user supplied 1.397 GiB. 
  Using in-core AOs.

  ==> MemDFJK: Density-Fitted J/K Matrices <==

    J tasked:                   Yes
    K tasked:                   Yes
    wK tasked:                   No
    OpenMP threads:               1
    Memory [MiB]:              1430
    Algorithm:                 Core
    Schwarz Cutoff:           1E-12
    Mask sparsity (%):       0.0000
    Fitting Condition:        1E-10

   => Auxiliary Basis Set <=

  Basis Set: (CC-PVDZ AUX)
    Blend: CC-PVDZ-JKFIT
    Number of shells: 126
    Number of basis functions: 348
    Number of Cartesian functions: 393
    Spherical Harmonics?: true
    Max angular momentum: 3

  Minimum eigenvalue in the overlap matrix is 3.0839439624E-02.
  Reciprocal condition number of the overlap matrix is 7.1190998198E-03.
    Using symmetric orthogonalization.

  ==> Pre-Iterations <==

  SCF Guess: Superposition of Atomic Densities via on-the-fly atomic UHF (no occupation information).

    Irrep   Nso     Nmo    
     A         72      72 
    Total      72      72

  ==> Iterations <==

                           Total Energy        Delta E     RMS |[F,P]|

   @DF-RHF iter SAD:  -226.68682454248358   -2.26687e+02   0.00000e+00 
   @DF-RHF iter   1:  -227.91850092251528   -1.23168e+00   9.25443e-03 DIIS/ADIIS
   @DF-RHF iter   2:  -228.05571176924931   -1.37211e-01   5.16002e-03 DIIS/ADIIS
   @DF-RHF iter   3:  -228.10234099601982   -4.66292e-02   5.48260e-04 DIIS/ADIIS
   @DF-RHF iter   4:  -228.10355731490483   -1.21632e-03   1.09984e-04 DIIS/ADIIS
   @DF-RHF iter   5:  -228.10361336899118   -5.60541e-05   2.71622e-05 DIIS
   @DF-RHF iter   6:  -228.10361830326514   -4.93427e-06   4.87376e-06 DIIS
   @DF-RHF iter   7:  -228.10361847231829   -1.69053e-07   8.73097e-07 DIIS
   @DF-RHF iter   8:  -228.10361847685013   -4.53184e-09   2.17213e-07 DIIS
   @DF-RHF iter   9:  -228.10361847715293   -3.02805e-10   4.67342e-08 DIIS
   @DF-RHF iter  10:  -228.10361847716572   -1.27898e-11   1.70695e-08 DIIS
   @DF-RHF iter  11:  -228.10361847716564    8.52651e-14   3.40567e-09 DIIS
  Energy and wave function converged.

  ==> Post-Iterations <==

    Orbital Energies [Eh]

    Doubly Occupied:                                                      

       1A    -20.550009     2A    -20.549999     3A    -20.549991  
       4A     -1.343363     5A     -1.325058     6A     -1.325049  
       7A     -0.723346     8A     -0.686879     9A     -0.686850  
      10A     -0.576772    11A     -0.576760    12A     -0.549009  
      13A     -0.499540    14A     -0.486850    15A     -0.486848  


      16A      0.174106    17A      0.216698    18A      0.216702  
      19A      0.351129    20A      0.358696    21A      0.358716  
      22A      0.765368    23A      0.769302    24A      0.769334  
      25A      0.857605    26A      0.857615    27A      0.867973  
      28A      1.109141    29A      1.130673    30A      1.202332  
      31A      1.202344    32A      1.229528    33A      1.303464  
      34A      1.303475    35A      1.357361    36A      1.357416  
      37A      1.446765    38A      1.494837    39A      1.494871  
      40A      1.541802    41A      1.541828    42A      1.562848  
      43A      1.741721    44A      1.747113    45A      1.747129  
      46A      1.857103    47A      1.857111    48A      1.961696  
      49A      2.007128    50A      2.007162    51A      2.109448  
      52A      2.448920    53A      2.449000    54A      2.456494  
      55A      2.598347    56A      2.605505    57A      2.605586  
      58A      3.270377    59A      3.270389    60A      3.270815  
      61A      3.325163    62A      3.325204    63A      3.369620  
      64A      3.505830    65A      3.505864    66A      3.558793  
      67A      3.863983    68A      3.897217    69A      3.897319  
      70A      4.115087    71A      4.204347    72A      4.204382  

    Final Occupation by Irrep:
    DOCC [    15 ]
    NA   [    15 ]
    NB   [    15 ]

  @DF-RHF Final Energy:  -228.10361847716564

   => Energetics <=

    Nuclear Repulsion Energy =             84.0288066070546478
    One-Electron Energy =                -482.4322043851209969
    Two-Electron Energy =                 170.2997793009006955
    Total Energy =                       -228.1036184771656394

Computation Completed

Properties will be evaluated at   0.000000,   0.000000,   0.000000 [a0]

Properties computed using the SCF density matrix

 Multipole Moments:

     Multipole            Electronic (a.u.)      Nuclear  (a.u.)        Total (a.u.)

 L = 1.  Multiply by 2.5417464519 to convert [e a0] to [Debye]
 Dipole X            :         -0.0084205            0.0499370            0.0415165
 Dipole Y            :          0.0414957           -0.2455237           -0.2040280
 Dipole Z            :         -0.2813696            1.6644012            1.3830316
 Magnitude           :                                                    1.3986163


*** tstop() called on prasanta at Sat Oct  7 17:05:25 2023
Module time:
	user time   =       0.52 seconds =       0.01 minutes
	system time =       0.05 seconds =       0.00 minutes
	total time  =          1 seconds =       0.02 minutes
Total time:
	user time   =       1.01 seconds =       0.02 minutes
	system time =       0.10 seconds =       0.00 minutes
	total time  =          2 seconds =       0.03 minutes

*** tstart() called on prasanta
*** at Sat Oct  7 17:05:25 2023

                                   SCF GRAD                          
                          Rob Parrish, Justin Turney,                
                       Andy Simmonett, and Alex Sokolov              

  ==> Geometry <==

    Molecular point group: c1
    Full point group: C1

    Geometry (in Angstrom), charge = 0, multiplicity = 1:

       Center              X                  Y                   Z               Mass       
    ------------   -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------
         O           -1.126319148733    -1.147064185397    -0.173434560600    15.994914619570
         H           -1.763119148733    -1.610464185397     0.383265439400     1.007825032230
         H           -1.232919148733    -0.200364185397     0.045265439400     1.007825032230
         O            1.565680851267    -0.378364185397    -0.141034560600    15.994914619570
         H            0.783980851267    -0.964964185397    -0.128234560600     1.007825032230
         H            2.237380851267    -0.837364185397     0.376865439400     1.007825032230
         O           -0.442719148733     1.541935814603     0.202565439400    15.994914619570
         H           -0.424219148733     2.202135814603     0.905365439400     1.007825032230
         H            0.452180851267     1.149035814603     0.193465439400     1.007825032230

  Nuclear repulsion =   84.028806607054648

  ==> Basis Set <==

  Basis Set: CC-PVDZ
    Blend: CC-PVDZ
    Number of shells: 36
    Number of basis functions: 72
    Number of Cartesian functions: 75
    Spherical Harmonics?: true
    Max angular momentum: 2

  ==> DFJKGrad: Density-Fitted SCF Gradients <==

    Gradient:                    1
    J tasked:                  Yes
    K tasked:                  Yes
    wK tasked:                  No
    OpenMP threads:              1
    Integrals threads:           1
    Memory [MiB]:             1430
    Schwarz Cutoff:          1E-12
    Fitting Condition:       1E-10

   => Auxiliary Basis Set <=

  Basis Set: (CC-PVDZ AUX)
    Blend: CC-PVDZ-JKFIT
    Number of shells: 126
    Number of basis functions: 348
    Number of Cartesian functions: 393
    Spherical Harmonics?: true
    Max angular momentum: 3

  -Total Gradient:
     Atom            X                  Y                   Z
    ------   -----------------  -----------------  -----------------
       1        0.017527879043    -0.010000472956    -0.018956527539
       2       -0.013581651877    -0.009722940871     0.011843175238
       3       -0.002238908790     0.021274330733     0.007291697758
       4        0.001432806266     0.024093207674    -0.013398569845
       5       -0.017807221533    -0.013584023257     0.002602864934
       6        0.014169810307    -0.009828950542     0.010962573143
       7       -0.020387065921    -0.006831042499    -0.017319525747
       8        0.000507631789     0.014006262277     0.014909244937
       9        0.020376720717    -0.009406370559     0.002065067121

*** tstop() called on prasanta at Sat Oct  7 17:05:25 2023
Module time:
	user time   =       0.30 seconds =       0.01 minutes
	system time =       0.01 seconds =       0.00 minutes
	total time  =          0 seconds =       0.00 minutes
Total time:
	user time   =       1.31 seconds =       0.02 minutes
	system time =       0.11 seconds =       0.00 minutes
	total time  =          2 seconds =       0.03 minutes

    Psi4 stopped on: Saturday, 07 October 2023 05:05PM
    Psi4 wall time for execution: 0:00:01.49

*** Psi4 exiting successfully. Buy a developer a beer!

Thanks a lot, for helping.