Maximum Dynamic Level Reached for Certain Conformers

I am running geometry optimisations for a series of 10 conformers for glycerin (“OCC(O)CO”) with psi4 1.8.1. The input files and conformrs are generated via the following script For a select few conformers the geometry optimisation fails with the error ‘Maximum Dynamic Level Reached’. The conformers that fail all share the same error message, with an example out.log file provided:

2023-09-14:14:43:36,869 INFO     [psi4.optking.stepAlgorithms:96]       |target step| :    5.0607095782
2023-09-14:14:43:36,869 INFO     [psi4.optking.stepAlgorithms:97]       gradient     :    0.0013864925
2023-09-14:14:43:36,869 INFO     [psi4.optking.stepAlgorithms:98]       hessian      :    0.0205632351
2023-09-14:14:43:36,869 INFO     [psi4.optking.stepAlgorithms:177]      Norm of achieved step-size    5.0607095782
2023-09-14:14:43:36,869 INFO     [psi4.optking.stepAlgorithms:179]      Norm of achieved step-size (cart):   11.1639976705
2023-09-14:14:43:36,869 ERROR    [psi4.optking.exceptions:20] AlgError: Exception created. Mesg: Step is far too large.
2023-09-14:14:43:36,869 ERROR    [psi4.optking.optimize:356]  Caught AlgError exception

2023-09-14:14:43:36,869 CRITICAL [psi4.optking.optimize:370]

In addition, the geometry fails to converge at this step.
The optimisation steps of this conformer are as follows:

grep '~' out.log 
	     1    -342.79360726   -3.43e+02      2.73e-02      7.35e-03 o    9.24e-02      3.89e-02 o  ~
	     2    -342.80069812   -7.09e-03      5.46e-03      1.57e-03 o    1.65e-01      6.44e-02 o  ~
	     3    -342.80144762   -7.50e-04      2.49e-03      7.73e-04 o    8.78e-02      3.31e-02 o  ~
	     4    -342.80154203   -9.44e-05      1.83e-03      6.53e-04 o    8.11e-02      3.38e-02 o  ~
	     5    -342.80171259   -1.71e-04      1.62e-03      5.47e-04 o    1.53e-01      7.22e-02 o  ~
	     6    -342.80189935   -1.87e-04      3.49e-03      1.04e-03 o    1.04e-01      3.33e-02 o  ~
	     7    -342.80214211   -2.43e-04      1.87e-03      6.23e-04 o    2.55e-01      8.44e-02 o  ~
	     8    -342.80218705   -4.49e-05      2.44e-03      7.23e-04 o    1.54e-01      6.47e-02 o  ~
	     9    -342.80232630   -1.39e-04      4.26e-03      1.28e-03 o    2.75e-01      6.01e-02 o  ~
	    10    -342.80325306   -9.27e-04      6.80e-03      1.50e-03 o    4.31e-01      1.08e-01 o  ~

The input.dat of the above error looks like:

molecule mol {
  0 1
  O -0.441725969  0.405654699  0.224152058
  C  0.952345967  0.538462937 -0.032555223
  C  1.143980265  1.233094573 -1.374383688
  O  2.467077732  1.773290634 -1.406449676
  C  0.985560060  0.257294655 -2.534839153
  O -0.396745652  0.041104283 -2.798947811
  H -0.532666981 -0.039461162  1.083984137
  H  1.390232444  1.123285651  0.783144593
  H  1.392245412 -0.463723868 -0.041223831
  H  0.455191284  2.079832554 -1.471976757
  H  2.562606573  2.207801580 -2.266771555
  H  1.443327546 -0.711507380 -2.311905861
  H  1.432889819  0.657149851 -3.450341940
  H -0.443421751 -0.582687497 -3.540498734
set {
  basis 6-31G*


E,wfn = prop('hf', properties = ['GRID_ESP', 'GRID_FIELD'], return_wfn=True)

Could increasing the [DYNAMIC_LEVEL] help here?
I am reluctant to start playing around with too many keywords since the above openff-recharge script was provided as a worked example.

This huge stepsize looks related to an error that is fixed the current version of optking.

Thanks, so this should be fixed with an update then? I am currently using version 1.8.1.