How to optimize the execution of multiple energy calculations in a job submission?

Dear friends,

I don’t know if my question is appropriate for the forum, but here goes.

I would like to run multiple interaction energy calculations in psi4 software, like the script below for butane.

memory 16 GB
molecule butane_dimer {
   C -0.000027000 0.119189000 -1.940263000
   H 0.879140000 0.747513000 -2.076177000
   H -0.879237000 0.747467000 -2.076120000
   H -0.000035000 -0.630774000 -2.728571000
   C 0.000032000 -0.516268000 -0.558441000
   H -0.874049000 -1.161258000 -0.447947000
   H 0.874151000 -1.161219000 -0.447988000
   C 0.000032000 0.516266000 0.558443000
   H -0.874045000 1.161262000 0.447943000
   H 0.874155000 1.161210000 0.447995000
   C -0.000028000 -0.119188000 1.940262000
   H 0.879131000 -0.747527000 2.076171000
   H -0.000015000 0.630781000 2.728560000
   H -0.879249000 -0.747450000 2.076129000
   C -0.000027000 10.119189000 -1.940263000
   H 0.879140000 10.747513000 -2.076177000
   H -0.879237000 10.747467000 -2.076120000
   H -0.000035000 9.369226000 -2.728571000
   C 0.000032000 9.483732000 -0.558441000
   H -0.874049000 8.838742000 -0.447947000
   H 0.874151000 8.838781000 -0.447988000
   C 0.000032000 10.516266000 0.558443000
   H -0.874045000 11.161262000 0.447943000
   H 0.874155000 11.161210000 0.447995000
   C -0.000028000 9.880812000 1.940262000
   H 0.879131000 9.252473000 2.076171000
   H -0.000015000 10.630781000 2.728560000
   H -0.879249000 9.252550000 2.076129000
set basis aug-cc-pVTZ
E = energy('MP2',molecule=butane_dimer, bsse_type='cp')
Efinal = E* psi_hartree2kcalmol
psi4.print_out("MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ = ")
psi4.print_out("%10.6f" % (Efinal))

In the cluster I use, however, I can only submit jobs requesting a fixed amount of processors (minimum 12).

Is there a way to optimize the use of these 12 processors to run multiple energy calculations at the same time? In a python script perhaps?

The cluster I use operates with the pbs queuing system, what I was doing for 12 processors is calling 12x the psi4. But this procedure proved to be quite inefficient. Not forgetting to mention that the intermediate files are quite large.

(psi4 -i butane_1_1.dat -o butane_1_1.out -n 1) &
(psi4 -i butane_1_2.dat -o butane_1_2.out -n 1) &
(psi4 -i butane_1_3.dat -o butane_1_3.out -n 1) &
(psi4 -i butane_1_4.dat -o butane_1_4.out -n 1) &
(psi4 -i butane_1_5.dat -o butane_1_5.out -n 1) &
(psi4 -i butane_1_6.dat -o butane_1_6.out -n 1) &
(psi4 -i butane_1_7.dat -o butane_1_7.out -n 1) &
(psi4 -i butane_1_8.dat -o butane_1_8.out -n 1) &
(psi4 -i butane_1_9.dat -o butane_1_9.out -n 1) &
(psi4 -i butane_1_10.dat -o butane_1_10.out -n 1) &
(psi4 -i butane_1_11.dat -o butane_1_11.out -n 1) &
(psi4 -i butane_1_12.dat -o butane_1_12.out -n 1) &

I know my question is not psi4 specific, but if anyone has experience with this type of problem and can give me some insight, I would appreciate it.

Thanks in advance.

In case someone has the same problem, I got an improvement in the performance of the calculations using the link command in each psi4 input.

Best regards,

Why don’t you simply use all 12 cores in your Psi4 calculation?

I wanted to optimize the calculation time, given that I have to calculate the interaction energy of thousands of conformers. For my specific case, running 1 job with 3 inputs x 4 cores proved to be more efficient than running 3 jobs with 1 input x 12 cores.