How to display time for each coupled-cluster (CC) iteration?

From the example in PsiAPI Tutorial: Using Psi4 as a Python Module

If I modified it as

#! Sample HF/cc-pVDZ H2O Computation

psi4.set_memory('500 MB')

h2o = psi4.geometry("""
H 1 0.96
H 1 0.96 2 104.5

The output will include

  Iter             Energy              RMS        T1Diag      D1Diag    New D1Diag    D2Diag
  ----     ---------------------    ---------   ----------  ----------  ----------   --------
     0        -0.204154799429155    0.000e+00    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.109718
     1        -0.209082421331461    2.662e-02    0.004037    0.008623    0.008623    0.116642
     2        -0.213047270016712    9.416e-03    0.004774    0.009920    0.009920    0.122003
     3        -0.213460116989164    2.450e-03    0.005208    0.010787    0.010787    0.123222
     4        -0.213471286316800    5.618e-04    0.005249    0.011005    0.011005    0.123418
     5        -0.213482789239478    1.677e-04    0.005272    0.011117    0.011117    0.123452
     6        -0.213480891138419    5.580e-05    0.005281    0.011162    0.011162    0.123445
     7        -0.213480651783630    1.505e-05    0.005284    0.011177    0.011177    0.123443
     8        -0.213480531982663    2.606e-06    0.005284    0.011179    0.011179    0.123443
     9        -0.213480482982034    6.344e-07    0.005284    0.011179    0.011179    0.123443
    10        -0.213480498049139    1.289e-07    0.005284    0.011179    0.011179    0.123443
    11        -0.213480496781171    2.750e-08    0.005284    0.011179    0.011179    0.123443

Is there any option that the output will display the time for each CC iteration? Thank you very much.

P.S. I used psi4 version 1.5.

No such option exists.

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