Failure of optimization of hydrogen-bonded complexes

Dear all,
I was trying to optimize geometry of two hydrogen-bonded complexes, thiourea - 2-acetylthiazole and thiourea - 2-acetylpyrimidine, and I got three different errors; in first case, after first iteration all bonds are elongated ca. 2 times, then optimization fails because “Step is far too large” error occurs. ( In second case, optimization is not aborted, but psi4 is continuously performing backsteps ( Sometimes torsion value calculation fails ( I have tried updating to 1.1a2, but this doesn’t solve these problems. By any means, I couldn’t obtain optimized geometries of these complexes. Any help will be appreciated.

Woes confirmed. @Rollin_King, any suggestions?

Actually, I didn’t check my last attempt last night. I did a MM opt of the initial input structure in Avogadro, then started the Psi4 opt from there. It didn’t totally converge, but forces down considerably.


memory 11 gb
set basis  aug-cc-pVDZ
molecule {
0 1
C         -7.41666       -0.96465        0.61701
C         -7.59032       -2.35556        0.66745
S         -6.06660       -2.99683        0.71804
C         -5.22732       -1.57243        0.67776
N         -6.10503       -0.53859        0.62338
H         -8.24430       -0.26945        0.57586
H         -8.52901       -2.89236        0.67195
C         -3.76285       -1.41061        0.69583
O         -3.27957       -0.28989        0.66132
C         -2.85850       -2.60460        0.75616
H         -1.79307       -2.28920        0.76111
H         -3.03385       -3.25189       -0.12837
H         -3.06303       -3.18214        1.68173
N         -5.82761        3.05785       -0.02506
C         -4.68512        3.88915       -0.15860
N         -3.38712        3.34109        0.01419
S         -4.84243        5.28592       -0.46857
H         -6.77999        3.43488       -0.14657
H         -5.71364        2.05966        0.19718
H         -3.27460        2.34220        0.23629
H         -2.54365        3.92737       -0.07853


Optimization trace:

>>> grep '~' input2.out 
  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~
   Step     Total Energy     Delta E     MAX Force     RMS Force      MAX Disp      RMS Disp    ~
  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~
    Convergence Criteria    1.00e-06 *    3.00e-04 *             o    1.20e-03 *             o  ~
  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~
      1   -1269.97090326   -1.27e+03      2.96e-01      3.42e-02 o    2.78e-01      4.46e-02 o  ~
      2   -1270.04233162   -7.14e-02      6.92e-02      9.58e-03 o    1.46e-01      2.65e-02 o  ~
      3   -1270.05422298   -1.19e-02      3.03e-02      3.93e-03 o    1.53e-01      2.21e-02 o  ~
      4   -1270.05691474   -2.69e-03      1.07e-02      2.00e-03 o    2.55e-01      3.78e-02 o  ~
      5   -1270.05525907    1.66e-03      2.87e-02      5.22e-03 o    7.24e-02      1.79e-02 o  ~
      6   -1270.05767451   -2.42e-03      1.42e-02      2.15e-03 o    1.68e-01      2.60e-02 o  ~
      7   -1270.05757073    1.04e-04      6.71e-03      1.58e-03 o    2.22e-01      4.05e-02 o  ~
      8   -1270.05590037    1.67e-03      3.02e-02      5.38e-03 o    9.58e-02      2.03e-02 o  ~
      9   -1270.05669972   -7.99e-04      2.16e-02      3.53e-03 o    5.08e-02      1.31e-02 o  ~
     10   -1270.05844960   -1.75e-03      5.79e-03      9.09e-04 o    4.62e-02      1.31e-02 o  ~
     11   -1270.05875091   -3.01e-04      3.02e-03      6.99e-04 o    6.91e-02      1.61e-02 o  ~
     12   -1270.05868273    6.82e-05      2.60e-03      6.34e-04 o    4.95e-02      1.36e-02 o  ~
     13   -1270.05881995   -1.37e-04      1.30e-03      3.44e-04 o    6.24e-02      1.02e-02 o  ~
     14   -1270.05886665   -4.67e-05      9.37e-04      2.30e-04 o    3.73e-02      5.48e-03 o  ~
     15   -1270.05888446   -1.78e-05      5.04e-04      1.10e-04 o    2.19e-02      3.34e-03 o  ~
     16   -1270.05889107   -6.61e-06      3.14e-04      6.86e-05 o    5.81e-02      9.68e-03 o  ~
     17   -1270.05890147   -1.04e-05      4.36e-04      1.25e-04 o    6.20e-02      1.01e-02 o  ~
     18   -1270.05891103   -9.56e-06      5.08e-04      1.47e-04 o    9.34e-02      1.54e-02 o  ~
     19   -1270.05892239   -1.14e-05      6.64e-04      1.39e-04 o    6.28e-02      1.05e-02 o  ~
     20   -1270.05892775   -5.36e-06      4.33e-04      8.99e-05 o    7.62e-03      2.04e-03 o  ~
     21   -1270.05892954   -1.79e-06      2.57e-04 *    3.74e-05 o    7.54e-03      1.40e-03 o  ~

Last Geom (in Bohr):

     C          -4.2317024449       -2.3215137394        0.2522322179
     C          -4.5730181965       -4.8725139019        0.6186802265
     S          -1.6811457557       -6.3592833416        0.8575676747
     C          -0.1920319875       -3.4072792131        0.4439779730
     N          -1.7814829732       -1.5269652086        0.1588552076
     H          -5.7533117524       -0.9556737942        0.0414611869
     H          -6.3336551109       -5.9194899989        0.7555646104
     C           2.6188752077       -3.1028641271        0.4239560715
     O           3.5463697210       -1.0141881221        0.1362706564
     C           4.2254984920       -5.4381311959        0.7671157379
     H           6.2197212809       -4.8998565193        0.7053008516
     H           3.8263824010       -6.8211729422       -0.7321772768
     H           3.8024715572       -6.3495055532        2.5866235666
     N          -1.3772208600        4.2540636152       -0.5755469096
     C           0.6706685217        5.7852985542       -0.7662869441
     N           2.9402696024        4.6101904476       -0.6171991595
     S           0.4000422914        8.9533652980       -1.1639183357
     H          -3.0854933810        5.0836467274       -0.6881944720
     H          -1.2495982903        2.3481804711       -0.3486363051
     H           3.1087952886        2.7171451574       -0.3685275806
     H           4.5002104909        5.6911028386       -0.7442859774

With loosely bound structures like this, a lot depends on the initial structure. In the first case, a bond angle contained within a torsion was going linear (or zero) I think, causing the torsion to become undefined.

From the initial structure tried (2-acetylthiazole -, I was able to make progress by adding:

set optking {
dynamic_level = 1

With this turned on, when an error such as an undefined dihedral is thrown, the optimization algorithm will become more conservative and continue. I got RMS forces ~10^-5 before getting impatient and quitting. In any event, it was going downhill. If you follow the output closely, you can learn what techniques are being tried, e.g.,

At level 3: Red. Int. + XYZ, RFO, backsteps, smaller trust.

Means redundant internals + cartesians, with backsteps as necessary and a smaller trust radius. Instead of using the ‘dynamic_level’ one can control all these directly. (I’m a fan of ‘opt_coordinates = BOTH’ for hard cases).

This dynamic_level will not necessarily be very efficient (getting a good geometry like Lori did is much better for that) but it is intended to help you make progress toward a minimum for tough cases. Eventually, if needed to continue downhill, it executes steepest-descent in cartesian coordinates.

I also like to try, when struggling with an optimization:

intrafrag_step_limit = 0.1
interfrag_step_limit = 0.1

though a smaller initial step may not help you much for these particular problems.

Thanks for advice, i’ll try again at earliest opportunity.