Challenges in Locating the Transition State for Meisenheimer Complex Formation in the SNAr Reaction of 4-Chloropyridine with Azide Anion

I am attempting to locate the transition state (TS) for the reaction of 4-chloropyridine with the azide anion, which corresponds to the Meisenheimer complex model. However, OptKing (opt_type="ts") fails to identify a valid transition state, as checking the vibrational frequencies does not return the expected one imaginary frequency criterion.

“reference”: “UHF”,
“geom_maxiter”: 2000,
“maxiter”: 2000,
“basis”: “Def2-SVPD”,
“e_convergence”: 1e-5,
“d_convergence”: 1e-5,
“ints_tolerance”: 1e-8,
“opt_coordinates”: “internal”,
“full_hess_every”: 0,
“dynamic_level”: 0.05, # Tested from 0.05 to 0.3
“MAX_FORCE_G_CONVERGENCE”: 3e-3 # Also tested 1e-4

I have tested different functionals, including B3LYP and M06-2X, but without success.

Approach Taken:

  1. Preliminary SCF scanning – I performed an iterative scan across 3000 coordinate points along the nucleophile and leaving group axis to probe the potential energy surface. However, no clear local saddle point was identified.
  2. Exploring different orientations of the azide anion, considering both the LUMO symmetry of 4-chloropyridine and the HOMO of azide to optimize orbital overlap.
  3. Comparative analysis – I have successfully located TS structures for other SNAr reactions involving nucleophiles such as the fluoride anion attacking chlorobenzene or dinitrochlorobenzene. In those cases, **OptKing reproduced geometries reported in the literature.

Nucleophilic aromatic substitution (SNAr) reactions with highly polarizable nucleophiles such as the azide anion tend to proceed via a concerted mechanism, where no distinct Meisenheimer complex is observed. This could mean that the transition state is more subtle, making it harder to locate.

I am reaching out to the community to ask:

Have I overlooked any critical Psi4 settings that might improve TS search reliability?
Are there any methodological refinements I could apply to better locate the TS for this system?

-best regards