CASSCF - nan values

Dear all,

I’m a user of CASSCF with other packages, and I would like to switch to Psi4 using the DETCI module. I wanted to optimize the two lowest roots of the NO molecule (which is \Pi state, but I switched off symmetry). In NO molecule there are 7 doubly occupied orbitals and singly occupied degenerate \pi. So I want active space to consist of degenerate \pi orbitals (numbers 8 and 9). After successful initial ROHF calculations DETCI module calculates one energy and next produces NaN energies.
I’m using conda-installed psi4 (MacOS, Monterrey).

Here is my input:

molecule {
O 1 1.20
symmetry c1

set {
basis cc-pvdz
reference rohf
qc_module detci

casscf_energy = energy(‘casscf’)

Options and space information looks like:
==> Parameters <==

EX LEVEL       =        1      H0 BLOCKSIZE  =     1000
VAL EX LEVEL   =        0      H0 GUESS SIZE =     1000
H0COUPLINGSIZE =        0      H0 COUPLING   =       NO
MAXITER        =       12      NUM PRINT     =       20
NUM ROOTS      =        2      ICORE         =        1
PRINT LVL      =        1      FCI           =      YES
R CONV         = 1.00e-07      MIXED         =      YES
E CONV         = 1.00e-06      MIXED4        =      YES
R4S            =       NO      REPL OTF      =       NO
DIAG METHOD    =      SEM      FOLLOW ROOT   =        0
S              =   0.5000      Ms0           =       NO
COLLAPSE SIZE  =        1      HD AVG        = EVANGELISTI
MAX NUM VECS   =       26      REF SYM       =     AUTO
IOPEN        =      YES

EX ALLOW       =  1 
STATE AVERAGE  =  0(1.00) 

==> CI Orbital and Space information <==

           Space    Total     A

             Nso       28    28
             Nmo       28    28
           Ndocc        7     7
           Nsocc        1     1

           MCSCF Spaces

     Frozen DOCC        0     0
 Restricted DOCC        7     7
          Active        2     2
 Restricted UOCC       19    19
     Frozen UOCC        0     0

==> Setting up CI strings <==

whereas MCSCF calculations looks like:

==> Starting MCSCF iterations <==

    Iter         Total Energy       Delta E   Orb RMS    CI RMS  NCI NORB

@MCSCF 1: -129.241795183825 -3.0462e-04 1.96e-04 3.51e-30 1 1 Initial CI
Warning! Maxstep = 3534292964.38, scaling to 0.50
@MCSCF 2: nan nan nan 0.00e+00 12 1 TS
@MCSCF 3: nan nan nan 0.00e+00 12 1 TS
@MCSCF 4: nan nan nan 0.00e+00 12 1 TS, DIIS

Thanks in advance for the answer!