Calculating ESP Fields in Memory


I’m fairly new to Psi4 and I’m trying to calculate ESP values on a grid surrounding a molecule. I’m comparing in-memory methods and out of memory methods, and trying to figure out why I’m seeing different values.


import psi4
import numpy as np
import psi4.core as p4c

mol_str = """ C	3.9336793405012425	0.5346774188749415	-0.8928514517978514
 C	5.303094945924056	0.5873177581665312	-1.159691036377977
 C	6.201504049592222	-0.09149376798441175	-0.3402856747330883
 C	5.733931689556879	-0.8248754888890404	0.7471407426068619
 C	4.365772298366927	-0.8805636264491232	1.0179806816982493
 C	3.445952574452895	-0.20476876458844664	0.1991302049836341
 C	1.9654092347012313	-0.2544474458229271	0.5310879493895444
 C	1.1029097243138335	-0.6323124209287291	-0.6838098911484615
 C	-0.1923054043763034	-1.2195732040662057	-0.17913424960688004
 O	-0.19156427004666907	-2.18144179203173	0.5818630559291688
 N	-1.3234892209028375	-0.5346914074513771	-0.5785423504115056
 C	-2.392512269533669	-0.3441914256151788	0.45023232707137256
 C	-3.757087918366187	0.01515122013256527	-0.21053784730799055
 C	-4.887067134630283	0.02948733841113557	0.8392867273640869
 C	-4.1232090625744275	-1.0532693834407665	-1.2646772156805537
 C	-3.7167896842382344	1.3915644978122723	-0.9006784879882505
 C	-1.892420255349704	0.7024667920178694	1.521741420529058
 O	-0.8312916013131516	1.3340723435394133	1.1669477652581894
 O	-2.4911362558218046	0.7657895117293508	2.619048850338715
 N	1.5600250520198258	1.0569732117075195	1.088566166274743
 H	3.26044332755187	1.0744074733250508	-1.5557806902345677
 H	5.672724253339586	1.155753762822649	-2.0105624319650426
 H	7.267808336298617	-0.05245107036434195	-0.5513108674032534
 H	6.4372820073529535	-1.3577900731669172	1.3836055722598994
 H	4.0295174232231155	-1.46604718945525	1.8731631007255978
 H	1.8090111290385975	-0.9667139389635266	1.3495857786410308
 H	1.5842900491058522	-1.4131018866310743	-1.2858510769143463
 H	0.9311687283330116	0.22616804138985505	-1.3424029434864222
 H	-1.148244857222129	0.33853262127457845	-1.0573389738533145
 H	-2.4965031136449802	-1.2997662388946127	0.9822052241022017
 H	-4.904558921288868	-0.9025206479949446	1.4149829124728843
 H	-4.783612836357871	0.8627561316859041	1.540902950328714
 H	-5.8678293602966445	0.1407769552406649	0.3618274510955099
 H	-4.143572308782679	-2.0543600311298205	-0.8193547135461033
 H	-5.112731058086654	-0.8615793144608911	-1.695781358871089
 H	-3.409022406295142	-1.0679358709617324	-2.0950322631427007
 H	-3.479455283242055	2.191090518556378	-0.19094454680130502
 H	-4.687447951040984	1.632507493639407	-1.3498526235501647
 H	-2.9729773947805813	1.4221109747734484	-1.7034978805320657
 H	0.5093459150911678	1.1241882218928128	1.2018998320578946
 H	1.7838446160867416	1.864607897901198	0.5082946616512665
 H	1.907113873342181	1.2134948043971896	2.0364772615019517"""

mol = psi4.geometry(mol_str)

x = np.linspace(-7, 8, 15)
y = np.linspace(-3, 3, 15)
z = np.linspace(-3, 2.5, 15)
out = np.meshgrid(x,y,z)
points = np.stack(out).reshape(3,-1).T

Out of memory:

np.savetxt('grid.dat', points, fmt='%15.10f')
psi4.set_options({'basis': '6-31g*'})
psi4.prop('scf', properties=['GRID_ESP'])
grd_om = np.loadtxt('grid_esp.dat').reshape(15,15,15)

In memory:

ene, wfn ='scf/6-31g*', return_wfn = True)
myepc = p4c.ESPPropCalc(wfn)
psi4_matrix = p4c.Matrix.from_array(points)
esps = np.array(myepc.compute_esp_over_grid_in_memory(psi4_matrix))
grd_im = esps.reshape(15,15,15)

Both methods generate the same energy value of -914, but the values of the potentials calculated on the grid points is drastically different. For the in memory grid computation, values range from -194 to 480. For the out of memory grid computation, values range from -0.14 to 20.

Here’s visualizing the difference plotting slices of the solved grid:

Is there some setting I’m missing?

What version of Psi4 are you using? If you have any output files, please send those.

There is a known bug in the in-memory algorithm, which we fixed back in May. This bug will occur if you use multiple threads. If your version of Psi4 is the 1.3.2 release or anything older than May 2020, try upgrading to a nightly version. Fortunately, we finally got in one of the main roadblocks to 1.4 this last weekend, so we’re hopeful to have 1.4 out soon-ish.

Thanks for the reply.

I’m using version 1.3.2. It looks like this is the multithreading issue. I had set psi4 to use 6 threads. When I use single threading, both methods give the same results.

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