SAPT0 stops without error message

Hello everyone! I’m a beginner on sapt calculations with psi4. I’ve been trying to compute the interaction energy between a graphene sheet and cationic lithium.
The calculations goes well up to the point when it starts the sapt0 analysis. It turns out that psi4 stops without indicating any reason for that. What am I missing?
Here’s my input file

memory 10000mb
molecule {
0 1
   C        4.35472       -4.52343        0.00001
   C        3.25459       -5.36960        0.00000
   C        1.89738       -4.84799       -0.00000
   C        1.71212       -3.40856        0.00001
   C        2.85513       -2.52943        0.00000
   C        4.19882       -3.07783        0.00001
   C        0.75675       -5.69752       -0.00001
   C        0.38012       -2.86180       -0.00002
   C       -0.76300       -3.73731        0.00001
   C       -0.56608       -5.17519        0.00000
   C       -1.74008       -6.03298        0.00001
   C       -3.02295       -5.50333        0.00003
   C       -3.24984       -4.06716        0.00003
   C       -2.09586       -3.18702        0.00001
   C        2.66845       -1.10171        0.00002
   C        0.18957       -1.42732        0.00006
   C       -2.28836       -1.76008        0.00003
   C       -4.55586       -3.50412        0.00004
   C       -4.76493       -2.09735        0.00003
   C        5.31260       -2.19340        0.00002
   C        5.14719       -0.78083        0.00001
   C        3.80799       -0.22155       -0.00000
   C        1.33090       -0.54948       -0.00005
   C       -1.14131       -0.87785       -0.00005
   C       -3.61813       -1.20789        0.00001
   C        3.61813        1.20789        0.00001
   C        1.14131        0.87784        0.00005
   C       -1.33090        0.54948        0.00005
   C       -3.80799        0.22155        0.00000
   C       -6.09480       -1.50955        0.00002
   C       -6.27752       -0.13372       -0.00001
   C        6.27752        0.13372        0.00000
   C        6.09480        1.50955       -0.00001
   C        4.76493        2.09735       -0.00001
   C        2.28836        1.76008       -0.00002
   C       -0.18957        1.42732       -0.00006
   C       -2.66846        1.10171       -0.00003
   C       -5.14719        0.78083       -0.00003
   C        4.55586        3.50412       -0.00000
   C        2.09586        3.18702        0.00000
   C       -0.38011        2.86180        0.00001
   C       -2.85513        2.52943       -0.00002
   C       -5.31260        2.19340       -0.00004
   C        3.24984        4.06716       -0.00000
   C        0.76300        3.73731       -0.00001
   C       -1.71212        3.40856       -0.00002
   C       -4.19882        3.07783       -0.00004
   C        3.02295        5.50333        0.00001
   C        0.56608        5.17519        0.00000
   C       -1.89738        4.84799       -0.00002
   C       -4.35472        4.52343       -0.00004
   C        1.74008        6.03298        0.00003
   C       -0.75675        5.69752        0.00000
   C       -3.25459        5.36960       -0.00002
   H       -1.58993       -7.11848        0.00001
   H        0.90113       -6.78448       -0.00001
   H        5.36987       -4.93613        0.00001
   H        3.39303       -6.45665       -0.00001
   H       -3.89513       -6.16676        0.00003
   H       -6.95980       -2.18231        0.00004
   H       -7.28815        0.28994       -0.00000
   H        7.28815       -0.28994        0.00001
   H        6.95980        2.18231       -0.00002
   H        6.32613       -2.61185        0.00002
   H       -5.42500       -4.17265        0.00005
   H       -6.32613        2.61185       -0.00005
   H        5.42500        4.17265       -0.00001
   H        3.89513        6.16676        0.00002
   H       -5.36987        4.93613       -0.00005
   H        1.58993        7.11848        0.00004
   H       -0.90113        6.78448        0.00003
   H       -3.39303        6.45665       -0.00002
1 1
Li         0.00000    0.00000    1.0000

units angstrom


set {
basis jun-cc-pVDZ
df_basis_scf DEF2-QZVPP-JKFIT
scf_type df
guess sad
freeze_core True


The very end of my output file is

*** tstop() called on MRleedmol at Tue Mar 20 14:28:55 2018
Module time:
	user time   =     791.71 seconds =      13.20 minutes
	system time =      30.09 seconds =       0.50 minutes
	total time  =        822 seconds =      13.70 minutes
Total time:
	user time   =   10257.05 seconds =     170.95 minutes
	system time =     195.74 seconds =       3.26 minutes
	total time  =      10597 seconds =     176.62 minutes
   => Loading Basis Set <=

atoms 1-54  entry C          line    99 file ~/psi4conda/share/psi4/basis/jun-cc-pvdz-ri.gbs 
atoms 55-72 entry H          line    29 file ~/psi4conda/share/psi4/basis/jun-cc-pvdz-ri.gbs 
atoms 73    entry LI         line    89 file ~/psi4conda/share/psi4/basis/def2-qzvpp-ri.gbs 

  //               SAPT0               //

*** tstart() called on MRleedmol
*** at Tue Mar 20 14:28:56 2018

Can you put the output in a preformatted text block? Highlight the text and click the </> symbol on the bar at the top.

The output file exceeds the characters limit. Thanks for you tips!

Hello,dear d f fm,has your problem been solved?
I met the same problem as you.If you get the answer,would you kindly let me know?

At this point, you should just make a new topic. “SAPT0 stops without error message” could mean a few different things. We can’t debug without knowing the specifics of the case.

Please make a new topic with the full output file, and any stderr output, if you have it.