Unable to compute torsion value


Here is this simple dialkyne calculation I am trying out. But it keeps throwing back an Optimization failed error. I have tried to delete either triple bond and the calculation goes. I have included the input script and the error message. Please help and many thanks!


molecule dialkyne {
  0  1
C -0.227988    1.061533   -0.439807
C -0.813436   -0.019416    0.219199
C  0.011463   -1.218532    0.569446
C  1.444186   -1.004997    0.099087
C  2.254207   -2.182485    0.443017
C  2.922061   -3.153312    0.726584
C  1.046636    1.027292   -0.753065
C  2.223211    0.995684   -1.042227
C -2.167564    0.016946    0.551865
C -2.936101    1.134272    0.225621
C -0.996524    2.178859   -0.766051
C -2.350649    2.215248   -0.433288
H  0.001741   -1.365476    1.672660
H -0.412330   -2.118720    0.070618
H  1.453907   -0.858053   -1.004128
H  1.867979   -0.104809    0.597914
H  3.522689   -4.026415    0.981607
H  3.281353    0.967258   -1.302282
H -2.629344   -0.835545    1.071498
H -4.003967    1.162924    0.487996
H -0.534768    3.031322   -1.285751
H -2.956761    3.096420   -0.690512

set basis sto-3g

error message:
TORS::compute_val: unable to compute torsion value
Optimizer: Optimization failed!


       Performing BFGS update.
    	Previous computed or guess Hessian on step 1.
    	Change in internal coordinate of 6.20e-01 exceeds limit of 5.00e-01.
    	 Skipping Hessian update for step 3.
    	Change in internal coordinate of 7.46e-01 exceeds limit of 5.00e-01.
    	 Skipping Hessian update for step 2.
    	Change in internal coordinate of 8.63e-01 exceeds limit of 5.00e-01.
    	 Skipping Hessian update for step 1.
    	Steps to be used in Hessian update: 4
    	Taking RFO optimization step.
    	Going to follow RFO solution 1.
    	Using RFO vector 1.
    	Norm of target step-size    0.96136
    	Projected energy change by RFO approximation:        -0.0128049595

    	Back-transformation to cartesian coordinates...
    	The INTCO_EXCEPTion handler:
    	TORS::compute_val: unable to compute torsion value
    	Dynamic level is 0.
    	exc.g_really_quit() is 0.

  **** Optimization has failed! (in 5 steps) ****
			 OPTKING Finished Execution 
	Cleaning optimization helper files.

*** Psi4 exiting successfully. Buy a developer a beer!

If your problem looks similar to this one, you could try setting opt_coordinates to cartesian. It worked for my own uncomputable torsion.