Resp charges for pd

Hello, I am trying to calculate RESP charges using RESP plugin. For this, I changed and added PD Radii (as 1.55, got from AMBER ANTECHAMBER dat file) to (resp/resp/ at master · cdsgroup/resp · GitHub) :

vdw_r = {'H': 1.20, 'HE': 1.20,
         'LI': 1.37, 'BE': 1.45, 'B': 1.45, 'C': 1.50,
         'N': 1.50, 'O': 1.40, 'F': 1.35, 'NE': 1.30,
         'NA': 1.57, 'MG': 1.36, 'AL': 1.24, 'SI': 1.17,
         'P': 1.80, 'S': 1.75, 'CL': 1.70, 'PD': 1.55 }

Then I tried to calculate resp but how can I change basis set
I have PD atom and I want to calculate RESP charges #HF/CEP-31G level but resp pluginis trying to calculate 6-31G* which not include PD Aatom

so here is the expected error:

BasisSet::construct: Unable to find a basis set for atom 1 for key BASIS among: !
! Shell Entries: [‘PD’] !
! Basis Sets: [(‘6-31G*’, ‘6-31G*’, None)]

NOTE: I also added ‘BASIS_ESP’ : ‘HF-CEP-31G’, (in resp/resp/ at master · cdsgroup/resp · GitHub line:80 BASIS_ESP was default g-31g so I thought if I added this variable it may change the result):

options = {'VDW_SCALE_FACTORS'  : [1.4, 1.6, 1.8, 2.0],
           'VDW_POINT_DENSITY'  : 1.0,
           'RESP_A'             : 0.0005,
           'RESP_B'             : 0.1,
           'BASIS_ESP'          : 'HF-CEP-31G',

here is myinput:

import psi4
import resp

mol = psi4.geometry("""PD       0.0920    -2.2970    -0.3020  
CL       1.8320    -3.7270    -0.8090  
CL      -1.4390    -3.8110    -1.1660  
C       -2.0400    -1.5570     1.4980  
N       -1.4200    -0.9740     0.2680  
C       -0.7060     0.2940     0.6050  
C        0.5750     0.0210     1.3360  
N        1.4160    -0.9330     0.5500  
C        2.3630    -1.5910     1.5180  
C       -2.4540    -0.7180    -0.8120  
C       -3.4900     0.3390    -0.4610  
C       -4.6910    -0.0140     0.2120  
C       -5.0770    -1.3720     0.4840  
C       -6.2240    -1.6670     1.1560  
C       -7.0790    -0.6440     1.6300  
C       -6.7960     0.6350     1.3630  
C       -5.6180     1.0160     0.6440  
C       -5.3240     2.3270     0.3760  
C       -4.1890     2.7200    -0.3410  
C       -3.9260     4.0850    -0.6320  
C       -2.8420     4.4660    -1.3430  
C       -1.9720     3.4780    -1.8580  
C       -2.1760     2.1500    -1.6200  
C       -3.2650     1.6920    -0.8030  
C        2.1830    -0.2720    -0.5930  
C        3.2790     0.6910    -0.1920  
C        3.0330     2.1000    -0.0660  
C        1.7530     2.6970    -0.3790  
C        1.5650     4.0480    -0.2050  
C        2.5950     4.8730     0.2650  
C        3.8120     4.3580     0.5480  
C        4.0730     2.9610     0.3860  
C        5.3280     2.4470     0.6570  
C        5.6250     1.0910     0.4710  
C        6.9270     0.5620     0.7320  
C        7.2430    -0.7330     0.5260  
C        6.2600    -1.5940     0.0290  
C        4.9840    -1.1600    -0.2210  
C        4.5910     0.2090     0.0120  
H       -2.4890    -2.3600     1.2860  
H       -1.3460    -1.7280     2.1500  
H       -2.6590    -0.9300     1.8720  
H       -0.4950     0.7700    -0.2020  
H       -1.2700     0.8350     1.1570  
H        0.3630    -0.3620     2.1990  
H        1.0490     0.8380     1.4570  
H        2.9240    -2.2040     1.0340  
H        2.9220    -0.9180     1.9360  
H        1.8660    -2.0580     2.1810  
H       -2.0020    -0.4430    -1.6070  
H       -2.9170    -1.5400    -0.9790  
H       -4.5070    -2.0700     0.1800  
H       -6.4520    -2.5860     1.3250  
H       -7.8650    -0.8580     2.1400  
H       -7.3980     1.3260     1.6680  
H       -5.9060     3.0130     0.7120  
H       -4.5360     4.7540    -0.3090  
H       -2.6760     5.3980    -1.5090  
H       -1.2190     3.7440    -2.3880  
H       -1.5780     1.4980    -2.0030  
H        1.5500     0.2110    -1.1210  
H        2.5700    -0.9700    -1.1280  
H        1.0360     2.1390    -0.6980  
H        0.7090     4.4320    -0.4090  
H        2.4420     5.8070     0.3970  
H        4.5070     4.9270     0.8430  
H        6.0100     3.0410     0.9660  
H        7.6090     1.1620     1.0700  
H        8.1270    -1.0550     0.7150  
H        6.4950    -2.5060    -0.1410  
H        4.3390    -1.7780    -0.5730 """)

options = {'VDW_SCALE_FACTORS'  : [1.4, 1.6, 1.8, 2.0],
           'VDW_POINT_DENSITY'  : 1.0,
           'RESP_A'             : 0.0005,
           'RESP_B'             : 0.1,
           'BASIS_ESP'        : 'HF-CEP-31G',

# Call for first stage fit
charges1 = resp.resp([mol], options)
print('Electrostatic Potential Charges')
print('Restrained Electrostatic Potential Charges')

# Change the value of the RESP parameter A
options['RESP_A'] = 0.001

# Add constraint for atoms fixed in second stage fit
constraint_charge = []
for i in range(4, 8):
    constraint_charge.append([charges1[1][i], [i+1]])
options['constraint_charge'] = constraint_charge
options['constraint_group'] = [[2, 3, 4]]
options['grid'] = ['1_%s_grid.dat']
options['esp'] = ['1_%s_grid_esp.dat']

# Call for second stage fit
charges2 = resp.resp([mol], options)

# Get RESP charges
print("\nStage Two:\n")
print('RESP Charges')