Problems with DKH calculations

I need to run calculations for Ag compounds, for which I would like to use DKH.

I´m using all electron basis sets. Please, not that it appears as “DEF2SVP” but it is not from the def2 series; it´s just a dummy name.

I´ve included the following on my input file:

set {
relativistic dkh
dkh_order 2
scf_type pk

and the following error message shows up:

Blend: DEF2SVP
Number of shells: 162
Number of basis function: 364
Number of Cartesian functions: 389
Spherical Harmonics?: true
Max angular momentum: 3

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/borinac/glob/private/Programs/Psi4conda/bin/psi4”, line 248, in
File “”, line 594, in
File “/home/borinac/glob/private/Programs/Psi4conda/lib//python2.7/site-packages/psi4/driver/”, line 460, in energy
wfn = procedures[‘energy’][lowername](lowername, molecule=molecule, **kwargs)
File “/home/borinac/glob/private/Programs/Psi4conda/lib//python2.7/site-packages/psi4/driver/procrouting/”, line 1942, in run_scf
scf_wfn = scf_helper(name, **kwargs)
File “/home/borinac/glob/private/Programs/Psi4conda/lib//python2.7/site-packages/psi4/driver/procrouting/”, line 1251, in scf_helper
scf_wfn = scf_wavefunction_factory(core.get_option(‘SCF’, ‘REFERENCE’), base_wfn)
File “/home/borinac/glob/private/Programs/Psi4conda/lib//python2.7/site-packages/psi4/driver/procrouting/”, line 1036, in scf_wavefunction_factory
File “/home/borinac/glob/private/Programs/Psi4conda/lib//python2.7/site-packages/psi4/driver/p4util/”, line 65, in pybuild_basis
key, target, fitrole, other, return_atomlist=return_atomlist)
File “/home/borinac/glob/private/Programs/Psi4conda/lib//python2.7/site-packages/psi4/driver/qcdb/”, line 642, in pyconstruct
File “/home/borinac/glob/private/Programs/Psi4conda/lib//python2.7/site-packages/psi4/driver/qcdb/”, line 771, in construct
filename = cls.make_filename(basgbs)
File “/home/borinac/glob/private/Programs/Psi4conda/lib//python2.7/site-packages/psi4/driver/qcdb/”, line 1310, in make_filename
basisname = basisname.lower()

AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘lower’

*** Psi4 encountered an error. Buy a developer more coffee!
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If I don´t include the “relativistic dkh” and “dhk_order 2”, the calculations goes fine.

What am I doing wrong?
Thank you for your kind attention

The below works for me with the latest version. You’ll have to provide a more complete input file if it’s still not working.

molecule {
1 1
H 1 1.0
H 1 1.0 2 90.0

set {
relativistic dkh
dkh_order 2
scf_type pk

basis mydz {
    assign def2-svp


Thanks for your help, but it did not work. I think I know the problem.

You are using an internal basis set (def2-svp is in psi4 basis set library). So, psi4 finds a way to decontract it (it is here: atoms 1 entry AG line 1482 file /home/ancborin/Programs/psi4conda/share/psi4/basis/def2-svp.gbs func decontract).

I´m using an external basis set, that is, not included in the psi4 basis set library.

So, psi4 does not know how to decontract it. I think this is the problem.

Do you know how I can inform psi4 how to decontract an external basis set?

Thank you very much

As mentioned, you’ll have to post your input (fine to replace mol, if sensitive) for further diagnosis.

Sorry, I forgot it. Unfortunately, I can not upload the file…The basis sets I´m using is the ano-rcc-vdzp.

Note: without relativistic correction, it works.

Thank you for you help

molecule {
1 1
H 1 1.0
H 1 1.0 2 90.0

set globals {
 maxiter 500

set {
  relativistic dkh
  dkh_order 2
  scf_type pk

basis {

assign H mysvp
assign C mysvp
assign N mysvp
assign O mysvp
assign Ag mysvp

H     0 
S   8   1.00
    188.6144500000           0.00096385       
     28.2765960000           0.00749196       
      6.4248300000           0.03759541       
      1.8150410000           0.14339498       
      0.5910630000           0.34863630       
      0.2121490000           0.43829736       
      0.0798910000           0.16510661       
      0.0279620000           0.02102287       
S   8   1.00
    188.6144500000          -0.0013119        
     28.2765960000          -0.0103451        
      6.4248300000          -0.0504953        
      1.8150410000          -0.2073855        
      0.5910630000          -0.4350885        
      0.2121490000          -0.0247297        
      0.0798910000           0.32252599       
      0.0279620000           0.70727538       
P   4   1.00
      2.3050000000           0.11279019       
      0.8067500000           0.41850753       
      0.2823620000           0.47000773       
      0.0988270000           0.18262603       
C     0 
S   14   1.00
  50557.5010000              0.0001128874     
   7524.7856000              0.0005295373     
   1694.3276000              0.0024500383     
    472.8227900              0.0100539847     
    151.7107500              0.0354539806     
     53.9187460              0.1044071086     
     20.6593110              0.2412894918     
      8.3839760              0.3834225483     
      3.5770150              0.3078514393     
      1.5471180              0.0687244299     
      0.61301300             0.0002224445     
      0.24606800             0.0019767489     
      0.09908700             0.0020578594     
      0.03468000             0.0004182020     
S   14   1.00
  50557.5010000             -0.0000250742     
   7524.7856000             -0.0001175945     
   1694.3276000             -0.0005456275     
    472.8227900             -0.0022450771     
    151.7107500             -0.0080434718     
     53.9187460             -0.0244258871     
     20.6593110             -0.0613679118     
      8.3839760             -0.1177767835     
      3.5770150             -0.1550487783     
      1.5471180             -0.0193331686     
      0.61301300             0.3996930678     
      0.24606800             0.5589420949     
      0.09908700             0.1711195023     
      0.03468000             0.0074562446     
S   14   1.00
  50557.5010000              0.0000161788     
   7524.7856000              0.0000749712     
   1694.3276000              0.0003573467     
    472.8227900              0.0014349316     
    151.7107500              0.0055086779     
     53.9187460              0.0169149690     
     20.6593110              0.0514166524     
      8.3839760              0.1137343741     
      3.5770150              0.2337183944     
      1.5471180             -0.0718378257     
      0.61301300            -1.0490908711     
      0.24606800            -0.0666273399     
      0.09908700             1.0119993798     
      0.03468000             0.1656046386     
P   9   1.00
     83.3331550              0.0013446560     
     19.5576110              0.0102355550     
      6.0803650              0.0452006710     
      2.1793170              0.1410756198     
      0.86515000             0.3047388085     
      0.36194400             0.3995281011     
      0.15474000             0.2719163432     
      0.06542900             0.0585766933     
      0.02290000            -0.0001263813     
P   9   1.00
     83.3331550             -0.0017715885     
     19.5576110             -0.0145621810     
      6.0803650             -0.0574573357     
      2.1793170             -0.2126582848     
      0.86515000            -0.5271712924     
      0.36194400            -0.0929697730     
      0.15474000             0.6630031669     
      0.06542900             0.3360877793     
      0.02290000             0.0054695244     
D   4   1.00
      1.9000000              0.1424518048     
      0.66500000             0.5591973019     
      0.23275000             0.4430004380     
      0.08146300             0.0410665370     
N     0 
S   14   1.00
  74761.7150000000           0.00011826       
  11123.6540000000           0.00051729       
   2512.6857000000           0.00226666       
    703.7772900000           0.00914529       
    225.4787900000           0.03239343       
     79.6158100000           0.09770793       
     30.2372830000           0.23170368       
     12.2636220000           0.37688989       
      5.2650860000           0.31774207       
      2.3334710000           0.08211309       
      0.9018560000           0.00331209       
      0.3583360000           0.00372082       
      0.1410930000           0.00316542       
      0.0493830000           0.00045958       
S   14   1.00
  74761.7150000000          -0.00002707       
  11123.6540000000          -0.00011837       
   2512.6857000000          -0.00052038       
    703.7772900000          -0.00210293       
    225.4787900000          -0.00756820       
     79.6158100000          -0.02346767       
     30.2372830000          -0.06042901       
     12.2636220000          -0.11705491       
      5.2650860000          -0.15553215       
      2.3334710000          -0.02468935       
      0.9018560000           0.36250545       
      0.3583360000           0.55508450       
      0.1410930000           0.21483769       
      0.0493830000           0.00898385       
S   14   1.00
  74761.7150000000           0.00001876       
  11123.6540000000           0.00008118       
   2512.6857000000           0.00036590       
    703.7772900000           0.00144304       
    225.4787900000           0.00553184       
     79.6158100000           0.01724359       
     30.2372830000           0.05279548       
     12.2636220000           0.11528813       
      5.2650860000           0.23525939       
      2.3334710000          -0.04896387       
      0.9018560000          -1.02321774       
      0.3583360000          -0.14815866       
      0.1410930000           1.02155754       
      0.0493830000           0.17240183       
P   9   1.00
    126.6665700000           0.00123363       
     29.8373890000           0.00949341       
      9.3940380000           0.04293962       
      3.4051040000           0.13629254       
      1.3500000000           0.29213625       
      0.5576960000           0.38878876       
      0.2324490000           0.29468014       
      0.0942640000           0.08012876       
      0.0329920000           0.00054052       
P   9   1.00
    126.6665700000          -0.00146623       
     29.8373890000          -0.01182148       
      9.3940380000          -0.04983126       
      3.4051040000          -0.17309042       
      1.3500000000          -0.47323708       
      0.5576960000          -0.20551132       
      0.2324490000           0.59103798       
      0.0942640000           0.45117968       
      0.0329920000           0.01367472       
D   4   1.00
      2.7500000000           0.14730165       
      0.9625000000           0.55021826       
      0.3368750000           0.44525604       
      0.1179060000           0.04942869       
O     0 
S   14   1.00
 105374.9500000000           0.00012386       
  15679.2400000000           0.00051201       
   3534.5447000000           0.00215291       
    987.3651600000           0.00852844       
    315.9787500000           0.03018049       
    111.6542800000           0.09099702       
     42.6994510000           0.21779364       
     17.3955960000           0.36862457       
      7.4383090000           0.33667073       
      3.2228620000           0.09657630       
      1.2538770000           0.00214452       
      0.4951550000           0.00119435       
      0.1916650000           0.00053902       
      0.0670830000           0.00021034       
S   14   1.00
 105374.9500000000          -0.00002815       
  15679.2400000000          -0.00011630       
   3534.5447000000          -0.00049092       
    987.3651600000          -0.00194616       
    315.9787500000          -0.00700530       
    111.6542800000          -0.02167814       
     42.6994510000          -0.05641213       
     17.3955960000          -0.11270530       
      7.4383090000          -0.15891197       
      3.2228620000          -0.03355083       
      1.2538770000           0.35319028       
      0.4951550000           0.55341993       
      0.1916650000           0.23018391       
      0.0670830000           0.01127267       
S   14   1.00
 105374.9500000000           0.00002616       
  15679.2400000000           0.00010748       
   3534.5447000000           0.00045972       
    987.3651600000           0.00179555       
    315.9787500000           0.00667574       
    111.6542800000           0.02053445       
     42.6994510000           0.05828602       
     17.3955960000           0.12129691       
      7.4383090000           0.22641475       
      3.2228620000          -0.04238700       
      1.2538770000          -1.01045538       
      0.4951550000          -0.15386868       
      0.1916650000           0.99345320       
      0.0670830000           0.18587254       
P   9   1.00
    200.0000000000           0.00091730       
     46.5333670000           0.00737714       
     14.6218090000           0.03483515       
      5.3130640000           0.11443970       
      2.1025250000           0.25549664       
      0.8502230000           0.37225574       
      0.3375970000           0.33233149       
      0.1288920000           0.14008479       
      0.0451120000           0.02395784       
P   9   1.00
    200.0000000000          -0.00087213       
     46.5333670000          -0.00706424       
     14.6218090000          -0.03330489       
      5.3130640000          -0.11441275       
      2.1025250000          -0.29901068       
      0.8502230000          -0.31986054       
      0.3375970000           0.20550900       
      0.1288920000           0.59359268       
      0.0451120000           0.28229027       
D   4   1.00
      3.7500000000           0.13609758       
      1.3125000000           0.51401475       
      0.4593750000           0.47407125       
      0.1607810000           0.08166905       
Ag     0 
S   21   1.00
 26432394.5000000000         0.00024327       
 3777215.2300000000          0.00069978       
 770956.2100000000           0.00196802       
 192774.0050000000           0.00501223       
  55850.6676000000           0.01236297       
  18103.5019000000           0.03009886       
   6409.4696800000           0.07269863       
   2430.9095600000           0.16609268       
    971.7740450000           0.31573389       
    405.3454640000           0.38078241       
    174.2630490000           0.17988078       
     74.0750601000           0.00989658       
     33.5395120000           0.00250560       
     15.4333122000          -0.00186532       
      7.1305753200           0.00102482       
      3.2072179400          -0.00066882       
      1.3812193800           0.00042896       
      0.5402526800          -0.00009526       
      0.1845534800           0.00006521       
      0.0502257600          -0.00016093       
      0.0200903000           0.00013257       
S   21   1.00
 26432394.5000000000        -0.00008247       
 3777215.2300000000         -0.00023758       
 770956.2100000000          -0.00066968       
 192774.0050000000          -0.00171443       
  55850.6676000000          -0.00426269       
  18103.5019000000          -0.01056140       
   6409.4696800000          -0.02627018       
   2430.9095600000          -0.06422099       
    971.7740450000          -0.13973938       
    405.3454640000          -0.22482370       
    174.2630490000          -0.10298823       
     74.0750601000           0.45550883       
     33.5395120000           0.59865417       
     15.4333122000           0.12024077       
      7.1305753200           0.00711113       
      3.2072179400          -0.00240617       
      1.3812193800           0.00100299       
      0.5402526800          -0.00069465       
      0.1845534800           0.00020978       
      0.0502257600           0.00009651       
      0.0200903000          -0.00013411       
S   21   1.00
 26432394.5000000000         0.00003590       
 3777215.2300000000          0.00010344       
 770956.2100000000           0.00029166       
 192774.0050000000           0.00074720       
  55850.6676000000           0.00186006       
  18103.5019000000           0.00461940       
   6409.4696800000           0.01154155       
   2430.9095600000           0.02848416       
    971.7740450000           0.06329679       
    405.3454640000           0.10652951       
    174.2630490000           0.05149998       
     74.0750601000          -0.31635894       
     33.5395120000          -0.61947004       
     15.4333122000           0.14484955       
      7.1305753200           0.91531390       
      3.2072179400           0.25514387       
      1.3812193800          -0.00391311       
      0.5402526800           0.00432417       
      0.1845534800          -0.00117864       
      0.0502257600           0.00036057       
      0.0200903000          -0.00007253       
S   21   1.00
 26432394.5000000000        -0.00001506       
 3777215.2300000000         -0.00004338       
 770956.2100000000          -0.00012236       
 192774.0050000000          -0.00031333       
  55850.6676000000          -0.00078111       
  18103.5019000000          -0.00193644       
   6409.4696800000          -0.00485949       
   2430.9095600000          -0.01195088       
    971.7740450000          -0.02686722       
    405.3454640000          -0.04503258       
    174.2630490000          -0.02328428       
     74.0750601000           0.14865918       
     33.5395120000           0.30088063       
     15.4333122000          -0.06929050       
      7.1305753200          -0.86879229       
      3.2072179400          -0.15807058       
      1.3812193800           1.01422701       
      0.5402526800           0.35439449       
      0.1845534800          -0.00856018       
      0.0502257600           0.00818942       
      0.0200903000          -0.00349795       
S   21   1.00
 26432394.5000000000         0.00000345       
 3777215.2300000000          0.00000994       
 770956.2100000000           0.00002805       
 192774.0050000000           0.00007179       
  55850.6676000000           0.00017916       
  18103.5019000000           0.00044336       
   6409.4696800000           0.00111610       
   2430.9095600000           0.00273367       
    971.7740450000           0.00618872       
    405.3454640000           0.01028129       
    174.2630490000           0.00555484       
     74.0750601000          -0.03515862       
     33.5395120000          -0.06951918       
     15.4333122000           0.01324108       
      7.1305753200           0.23539132       
      3.2072179400           0.02057234       
      1.3812193800          -0.34336020       
      0.5402526800          -0.28903254       
      0.1845534800           0.40055932       
      0.0502257600           0.72875608       
      0.0200903000           0.11052600       
S   21   1.00
 26432394.5000000000        -0.00000449       
 3777215.2300000000         -0.00001293       
 770956.2100000000          -0.00003650       
 192774.0050000000          -0.00009328       
  55850.6676000000          -0.00023341       
  18103.5019000000          -0.00057492       
   6409.4696800000          -0.00145797       
   2430.9095600000          -0.00353301       
    971.7740450000          -0.00812100       
    405.3454640000          -0.01316038       
    174.2630490000          -0.00782495       
     74.0750601000           0.04754714       
     33.5395120000           0.08724471       
     15.4333122000          -0.00999366       
      7.1305753200          -0.33341041       
      3.2072179400          -0.00601138       
      1.3812193800           0.57839955       
      0.5402526800           0.16605902       
      0.1845534800          -1.00932597       
      0.0502257600          -0.42150098       
      0.0200903000           1.25549415       
P   18   1.00
 808951.8450000000           0.00003471       
 117533.5500000000           0.00015050       
  25567.6973000000           0.00062444       
   7171.5352600000           0.00252444       
   2423.5770600000           0.00975485       
    934.6491400000           0.03436734       
    395.8800270000           0.10263466       
    179.3627440000           0.23705538       
     85.0962790000           0.37371280       
     41.6447133000           0.31987612       
     20.3380365000           0.10395488       
     10.0109845000           0.00566387       
      4.9885774700           0.00132767       
      2.2737351300          -0.00056624       
      1.0145628300           0.00019693       
      0.4094566200          -0.00011618       
      0.1637826500           0.00004663       
      0.0655130400          -0.00001491       
P   18   1.00
 808951.8450000000          -0.00001572       
 117533.5500000000          -0.00006823       
  25567.6973000000          -0.00028385       
   7171.5352600000          -0.00115123       
   2423.5770600000          -0.00448499       
    934.6491400000          -0.01601944       
    395.8800270000          -0.04935994       
    179.3627440000          -0.11941105       
     85.0962790000          -0.20088771       
     41.6447133000          -0.14138767       
     20.3380365000           0.21580592       
     10.0109845000           0.55014883       
      4.9885774700           0.34083162       
      2.2737351300           0.04434435       
      1.0145628300          -0.00046516       
      0.4094566200           0.00088055       
      0.1637826500          -0.00026799       
      0.0655130400           0.00008048       
P   18   1.00
 808951.8450000000           0.00000622       
 117533.5500000000           0.00002697       
  25567.6973000000           0.00011246       
   7171.5352600000           0.00045485       
   2423.5770600000           0.00178275       
    934.6491400000           0.00634853       
    395.8800270000           0.01980102       
    179.3627440000           0.04793930       
     85.0962790000           0.08279289       
     41.6447133000           0.05262144       
     20.3380365000          -0.11719799       
     10.0109845000          -0.33674124       
      4.9885774700          -0.15842470       
      2.2737351300           0.47058296       
      1.0145628300           0.57942405       
      0.4094566200           0.16042538       
      0.1637826500          -0.00210119       
      0.0655130400           0.00255917       
P   18   1.00
 808951.8450000000          -0.00000268       
 117533.5500000000          -0.00001160       
  25567.6973000000          -0.00004847       
   7171.5352600000          -0.00019538       
   2423.5770600000          -0.00076969       
    934.6491400000          -0.00272749       
    395.8800270000          -0.00857370       
    179.3627440000          -0.02064391       
     85.0962790000          -0.03617792       
     41.6447133000          -0.02175524       
     20.3380365000           0.05539381       
     10.0109845000           0.15491869       
      4.9885774700           0.06403552       
      2.2737351300          -0.33672497       
      1.0145628300          -0.26538541       
      0.4094566200           0.28666479       
      0.1637826500           0.46647651       
      0.0655130400           0.44795604       
P   18   1.00
 808951.8450000000           0.00000602       
 117533.5500000000           0.00002607       
  25567.6973000000           0.00010898       
   7171.5352600000           0.00043957       
   2423.5770600000           0.00173070       
    934.6491400000           0.00614731       
    395.8800270000           0.01933162       
    179.3627440000           0.04679158       
     85.0962790000           0.08181636       
     41.6447133000           0.04820465       
     20.3380365000          -0.15063411       
     10.0109845000          -0.33653674       
      4.9885774700          -0.13772414       
      2.2737351300           1.21674477       
      1.0145628300          -0.38787020       
      0.4094566200          -0.88658932       
      0.1637826500           0.06090749       
      0.0655130400           0.71333677       
D   13   1.00
    971.7740450000           0.00119000       
    405.3454640000           0.00438716       
    174.2630490000           0.02511333       
     74.0750601000           0.09528003       
     33.5395120000           0.24414601       
     15.4333122000           0.40123136       
      7.1305753200           0.35308679       
      3.2072179400           0.11221944       
      1.3812193800           0.01172402       
      0.5402526800           0.00702064       
      0.1845534800           0.00217947       
      0.0738213900           0.00028023       
      0.0295285500          -0.00002168       
D   13   1.00
    971.7740450000          -0.00040171       
    405.3454640000          -0.00149522       
    174.2630490000          -0.00855382       
     74.0750601000          -0.03297480       
     33.5395120000          -0.08499246       
     15.4333122000          -0.13571855       
      7.1305753200          -0.08189981       
      3.2072179400           0.19807889       
      1.3812193800           0.44598946       
      0.5402526800           0.41771091       
      0.1845534800           0.18403466       
      0.0738213900           0.00516437       
      0.0295285500           0.00605673       
D   13   1.00
    971.7740450000           0.00049600       
    405.3454640000           0.00163807       
    174.2630490000           0.01044568       
     74.0750601000           0.03764962       
     33.5395120000           0.10475062       
     15.4333122000           0.14546657       
      7.1305753200           0.10429892       
      3.2072179400          -0.41383399       
      1.3812193800          -0.53420234       
      0.5402526800           0.45550877       
      0.1845534800           0.55297867       
      0.0738213900           0.04119334       
      0.0295285500           0.02412452       
F   6   1.00
      8.8571120000           0.05587682       
      3.5428450000          -0.44986178       
      0.5668550000          -0.91260237       
      0.2267420000           0.19679579       
      0.0906960000          -0.17301120       
      0.0362780000           0.06173133       

scfenergy = energy('scf')