Please help! SAPT2 results wrong only when run in a loop?

Hi Psi4 guys,

I am trying to calculate the interaction energies for a water dimer for various different separations rx_value between the two molecules by creating a list of values inside rx_values to loop over.

When I set rx_values = [2.10000] my output is as follows (seems fine):

                 SAPT2 energies using aug-cc-pVTZ basis
      a.u.   |                          kJ/mol
      Rx     |    elst        exch        ind         disp        total
     3.96842   -90.72709   207.06986   -10.52348   -26.90564    78.91366

When I set rx_values = [2.20000] my output is follows (seems fine):

                 SAPT2 energies using aug-cc-pVTZ basis
      a.u.   |                          kJ/mol
      Rx     |    elst        exch        ind         disp        total
     4.15740   -66.05530   150.62750    -8.10631   -21.68163    54.78426

However, when I try to calculate the energies for both of these values in a loop the second value and values after that are incorrect, as shown when I set rx_values = [2.10000, 2.20000] as the second value is not the same as previously calculated, this appears to be because when it is ran as a loop the geometry is incorrectly calculated for all separations after the first one but I do not understand why this is happening.

                 SAPT2 energies using aug-cc-pVTZ basis
      a.u.   |                          kJ/mol
      Rx     |    elst        exch        ind         disp        total
     3.96842   -90.72709   207.06986   -10.52348   -26.90564    78.91366
     4.15740    -3.61529     5.01672    -0.68081    -2.66735    -1.94674

This is really frustrating and I cannot find out what is wrong, my input file is shown below.

# Input file for calculating various intermolecular energies in Psi4
# Configuration is for a water dimer using SAPT2 as of writing

# Define 4 threads and 8 GB to be used

memory 8 GB

# Define the geometries of the atoms within the water dimer
# The x-coordinate of the oxygen atom of water2 is at distance rx from oxygen atom of water1

molecule water_dimer {

  # water1

  O   0.00000   0.00000  -0.28053
  H   0.00005   0.76774   0.28052
  H   0.00000  -0.76784   0.28041


  # water2

  # rx is the x separation between the oxygen of water1 and the oxygen of water2
  # h1rx is the separation between the oxygen of water1 and the first hydrrogen of water2
  # h1rx is defined as h1rx = rx + 0.00005
  # h2rx is the separation between the oxygen of water1 and the second hydrogen of water2
  # h2rx is defined as h2rx = rx

  O   rx     0.00000   0.28053
  H   h1rx  -0.76774  -0.28052
  H   h2rx   0.76784  -0.28041

  # Define units for molecule geometries to be in Ångströms

  units angstrom


# Define values of rx to perform calculations for, given in terms of the Bohr radius (atomic units)

rx_values = [2.10000, 2.20000]

# Applying settings

set {

  # Choosing a basis set
  # Chosen basis family is aug-cc-pVTZ, the MP2 auxilary basis can be specified with aug-cc-pvtz-ri

  basis aug-cc-pVTZ


# Initialise blank dictionaries for the SAPT electrostatic, exchange, induction, dispersion and total energies

saptelst = {}
saptexch = {}
saptind = {}
saptdisp = {}
sapttotal = {}

# Loop through all values in rx_values

for rx_value in rx_values:

  # Set rx for the waterdimer coordinates from the loop

  water_dimer.rx = rx_value

  # Calculate h1rx and h2rx using rx

  water_dimer.h1rx = water_dimer.rx + 0.00005
  water_dimer.h2rx = water_dimer.rx

  # Calculate energies using 2nd-order SAPT, traditional definition


  # Add the relevant values to their dictionaries, units are given in Hartree energy (atomic units)

  saptelst[rx_value] = psi4.get_variable("SAPT ELST ENERGY")
  saptexch[rx_value] = psi4.get_variable("SAPT EXCH ENERGY")
  saptind[rx_value] = psi4.get_variable("SAPT IND ENERGY")
  saptdisp[rx_value] = psi4.get_variable("SAPT DISP ENERGY")
  sapttotal[rx_value] = psi4.get_variable("SAPT TOTAL ENERGY")

  # Remove scratch files, important to run between independent jobs
  # Not sure about this yet

# Output a header for the table of results

psi4.print_out("                 SAPT2 energies using aug-cc-pVTZ basis                  \n")
psi4.print_out("      a.u.   |                          kJ/mol                           \n")
psi4.print_out("      Rx     |    elst        exch        ind         disp        total  \n")

# Output the results to the table

for rx_value in rx_values:

  # Output each value on a line, converting energy units to kJ/mol and distances to Bohr radius, then ending with a $
  # Two spaces are given between each value, nine characters with eight decimal places are used

  psi4.print_out(" %11.5f" % (rx_value / psi_bohr2angstroms))
  psi4.print_out(" %11.5f" % (saptelst[rx_value] * psi_hartree2kJmol))
  psi4.print_out(" %11.5f" % (saptexch[rx_value] * psi_hartree2kJmol))
  psi4.print_out(" %11.5f" % (saptind[rx_value] * psi_hartree2kJmol))
  psi4.print_out(" %11.5f" % (saptdisp[rx_value] * psi_hartree2kJmol))
  psi4.print_out(" %11.5f" % (sapttotal[rx_value] * psi_hartree2kJmol))
  psi4.print_out(" \n")

If anybody could help me out at all I would greatly appreciate it!

Kind regards,


Psi4 is probably moving the center of mass of your molecule to the origin and maybe reorienting it. Can you try adding no_reorient and nocom to your molecule group?


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Thank you so much Eugene, declaring no_com for my molecule group fixed the problem!

Out of curiosity do you know why Psi4 would only be centring the geometry after the first energy calculation and not before it? Surely if an energy calculation was run more than once such as in my case you would expect the same instructions to be applied to the molecule group beforehand each time.

Keep up the good work,

Psi4 reads the initial coordinates you entered and reorients/moves the molecule before the first energy calculation. You don’t have any issues there because your rx, etc. were correct, relative to the other coordinates you entered. The next time you set rx, though, the molecule was already moved, so the number you specify doesn’t correspond to what you think it does.

What @deprince said :slight_smile: This is a related case.