@pcmsolver.inp file not found bug


I setup a torsion scan calculation where 36 jobs are executed in parallel. Those jobs sample a torsion at 10 degree increments and are executed in parallel in a HPC environment. This works fine for gas phase calculations. I decided to include solvation and enabled pcm with the following options.

set {
basis 6-31G*
scf_type df
guess sad
ints_tolerance 1.0E-8
maxiter 200
pcm true
pcm_scf_type total

pcm = {
Units = Angstrom
Medium {
SolverType = IEFPCM
Solvent = Water
Cavity {
RadiiSet = UFF
Type = GePol
Scaling = False
Area = 0.3
Mode = Implicit

With PCM enabled, each of the 36 parallel jobs creates a pcmsolver.inp and @pcmsolver.inp file. This results in a race condition where multiple instances of the pcmsolver are trying to read and write to the same two files. Jobs are crashing with OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘@pcmsolver.inp error messages (see below for traceback). Is there a way for each PSI4 instance to create its own unique pcmsolver files?

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/centos/miniconda2/share/psi4/python/inputparser.py”, line 709, in process_input
temp = re.sub(pcm, process_pcm_command, temp)
File “/home/centos/miniconda2/lib/python2.7/re.py”, line 155, in sub
return _compile(pattern, flags).sub(repl, string, count)
File “/home/centos/miniconda2/share/psi4/python/inputparser.py”, line 379, in process_pcm_command
File “/home/centos/miniconda2/bin/pcmsolver.py”, line 138, in parse_pcm_input
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘@pcmsolver.inp



Can you send your psi4 version (psi4 --version or an output file header)? pcmsolver.inp has been reworked in pre-1.1, but I don’t swear that what you describe wouldn’t still happen. @robertodr

Version number is: 1.0.54

Ok, that’s 1.0-era, so no use making improvements to code that’s been reworked. Are you ok with Linux+Py3.5 (you don’t have to supply the Py3.5, it comes with the conda package)? Create a new conda environment with the command below. That should give you Psi4 1.1a2.dev260 that has the reworked pcmsolver. See if it still has the parallelism problem.

conda create -n p4env python=3.5 psi4 numpy dftd3 -c psi4/label/test -c psi4

I ran the following input with the latest master and it seems to be working:

molecule HOOH {
symmetry c1
    O 1 0.90
    O 2 1.40 1 100.0
    H 3 0.90 2 100.0 1 D

set {
    basis STO-3G
    scf_type df
    guess sad
    pcm true

pcm = {
   Units = Angstrom
   Medium {
   SolverType = IEFPCM
   Solvent = Water

   Cavity {
   RadiiSet = UFF
   Type = GePol
   Scaling = False
   Area = 0.3
   Mode = Implicit

Dvals = [115.0, 120.0, 125.0]
energies = {}

for D in Dvals:
    HOOH.D = D
    energies[D] = energy('b3lyp') # single point energy

psi4.print_out("DFT-B3LYP/STO-3G energies\n\n")
psi4.print_out("        D [deg]         E [kcal/mol]                 \n")
for D in Dvals:
   e = energies[D] * psi_hartree2kcalmol
   psi4.print_out("        %3.1f            %10.6f\n" % (D, e))

Notice that it is not possible to include PCM in geometry optimizations, in case you are interested in a relaxed scan.

I am still seeing the same error. Here is the stacktrace. To reproduce the error, I think you have to start multiple jobs (>20) and execute them in parallel.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/centos/miniconda2/envs/p4env/bin/psi4”, line 204, in
content = psi4.process_input(content)
File “/home/centos/miniconda2/envs/p4env/lib//python3.5/site-packages/psi4/driver/inputparser.py”, line 724, in process_input
temp = re.sub(pcm, process_pcm_command, temp)
File “/home/centos/miniconda2/envs/p4env/lib/python3.5/re.py”, line 182, in sub
return _compile(pattern, flags).sub(repl, string, count)
File “/home/centos/miniconda2/envs/p4env/lib//python3.5/site-packages/psi4/driver/inputparser.py”, line 394, in process_pcm_command
File “/home/centos/miniconda2/envs/p4env/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pcmsolver/pcmsolver.py”, line 186, in parse_pcm_input
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘@pcmsolver.inp

Can you elaborate this statement “Notice that it is not possible to include PCM in geometry optimizations, in case you are interested in a relaxed scan.”

Does that mean PCM options are ignored in geometry optimization? So “optimize(‘b3lyp’)” will optimize in gas phase? Does PCM work only for energy calculations using the energy() function?



  • PCM can be used for energies and first-order properties (i.e. expectation values, like multipole moments) for all SCF models. That is Hartree-Fock and density-functional theory.
  • Starting from a PCM-SCF solution, you could be able to run a correlated energy calculation in the so-called PTE approximation, where the “solvated” orbitals in the correlated treatment. This is currently untested
  • There are additional terms in the analytic molecular gradient from PCM that have not been implemented yet. You can of course run optimizations using the finite difference molecular gradient. I am not familiar with the internal set up of optimizations in Psi4, it might be that requesting PCM routes the optimizer to use the numerical molecular gradient already. @loriab is this the case?

@jwfeng The problem you reported should not appear with the current master.