Improved error message when using incorrect reference type

The problem is not that we are missing a check, but that the error message we already have isn’t firing. When I try to run water cation as an RHF system, I get an error message like you requested.

molecule {
1 2
H 1 1.0 
H 1 1.0 2 104.5

set reference rhf 
!                                                                                  !
! Fatal Error: RHF: RHF reference is only for singlets.                            !
! Error occurred in file:                                                          !
!     /Users/jonathonmisiewicz/psi4/psi4/src/psi4/libscf_solver/ on line: 92 !
! The most recent 5 function calls were:                                           !
!                                                                                  !

As Holger said, we need more information. Steps 4 and 5 of our guidance for posting help topics are not optional. In addition to what Holger requested, I need to know how you ran your input. I’ve seen one error message about PyCapsule before, and that was a problem specific to when Psi was running in a Jupyter notebook.